I won't kill him

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Yoongi laid there for a while in silence while Jeongguk held him and rubbed his back. Eventually, Yoongi told him what Jimin said, and Jeongguk wasn't the slightest bit surprised.

"I'm not surprised he thinks I killed them" He shook his head "his theory makes sense.. but..Yoongi. I didn't say anything because I knew you'd react badly. His theory could work for himself too, ya know? What if he does have feelings for you, and it's been him all along. It's a possibility"

"That's what I said, but I know Jimin wouldn't harm a fly. He saves people for a living. It's all he's ever wanted to do"

"I didn't kill Felix" he shook his head "I'd never lie to you, Yoongi, I never have before, and I wouldn't start now. I'm sure you and Jimin will be fine, and I'll let him know that I'm not mad at him, I understand where he's coming from"

Yoongi leaned in and pecked Jeongguk's lips "I'll talk to him tomorrow. We both need to cool off"

"I know baby"

When Jeongguk woke up the next morning, he groaned and shut off his alarm. He didn't want to go to work, but he had to. He was still upset over his stray cat and didn't think he could look at the operating table without bursting into tears. He rolled over and realized Yoongi wasn't next to him, he got out of bed then and made his way through the apartment to the kitchen where Yoongi was sitting with a cup of coffee "morning baby"

"Good morning. Did you check your phone?"

"No, not yet. Why?" He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat beside him at the table

"Jin hyung called you a few times, I don't know if it's important or not"

"Probably not," he snorted and sipped his coffee. "He's my Jimin. We met when I moved to Busan, and we clicked instantly, we moved here together, actually. Not living arrangement wise, but when I decided to move here, hyung came too. His father owns a company, and he wanted to expand, so he let Jin come with me to work for him"

"You haven't mentioned him before" he furrowed his brows

"Hyung.. You've had a lot going on. We had like..maybe one good week in between everything. He's the friend who brings me coffee to the office all the time. He's also been pestering me about us getting together to do a double date, he's excited to meet you and embarrass me" he chuckled and put his hand on Yoongi's thigh "are you getting jealous hyungie?"


"Good. Because I love you, only you" he kissed his cheek, and Yoongi smiled "I want to introduce you to him and his boyfriend, Namjoon hyung. You'll love them. I just.. I wanted to give you some time. And all the time we've spent together, I was too focused on you to even think about bringing them up"

"I'm sorry, Gukkie. I didn't even realize.. I've been an awful boyfriend" he sighed and put his head down "I didn't even know about your best friend, and I've been too wrapped up in my own shit to even ask"

"Hyungie, you've gone through a lot. It's not going to last forever. You're not a horrible boyfriend. Not even a little. You do as much for me as I do for you. Once things settle down, we'll be okay"

"I don't feel that way, but thank you" he rested his head on Jeongguk's shoulder and sighed "so, tell me about him?"

"Like I said, we met when I moved. His dad owns Kim enterprises, he doesn't brag about it, though. And he started up the branch that's here. It's part of the reason he moved with me. When I left Seoul, I was more pathetic than I had been before. I really didn't talk to anyone, and Jin hyung sat next to me one day and said he didn't like seeing kicked animals so if I could not look like a scared bunny that would be great" he snorted making Yoongi laugh "we've been inseparable ever since. We met Joonie hyung after we graduated, and he worked for Jin hyung's dad. Still does, actually. But when they met- hyung it was so gross. They made heart eyes at each other from across the room. It was like me and his dad didn't even exist"

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