Part 1

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Baldwin can now let out a sigh of relief after putting an end to the quite long dispute. ''I assume we all agree to the final decision and now I can announce that the session is over.''

Just as everyone else is about to leave, Tiberias raises his hand and rushes to the king's side. ''Wait, my lord!'' Baldwin, who has just got up, slowly sits down. ''There's a very important matter to discuss yet.''

''Save it for the next time, Tiberias! You've bored us enough today.'' - shouts annoyed Guy of Lusignan.

Baldwin, however, doesn't listen to the arguing again crowd and leans back comfortably in his seat. ''Very well then. Tell me.''

Ignoring Guy cursing under his nose, Tiberias takes some steps forward and with hesitation at the beginning, he starts his speech: ''My king, I'd like to bring back a matter from years ago which I still find actual. What I mean, my lord, is a marriage proposal.'' The echo of gasps and whispers spreads across the hall. Everyone, including the king, is taken aback by his words. ''I'm fully aware of what your physicians say but that doesn't mean we can't try strengthening our political position by finding you a suitable queen.''

''My dear friend, I'm grateful for your care for this kingdom and its future but according to what we all know no one is interested in the offer of marriage because of obvious reasons.''

''Actually, there is someone who is willing to accept the proposal despite your health condition. Out of all arrangements I made when you were little only one family hasn't declined the offer. If you allow me, I will present you the lady now and here.'' Then Guy of Lusignan scoffs loudly but is quickly quietened by someone.

Baldwin hums thoughtfully and leans forward, making Tiberias even more nervous. ''Let me see her then.'' The moment the gates in the back open everyone turns in that way and immediately goes silent. Curious Baldwin stands up as others make a way for his guest who has just walked in.

''My lord, this is Lady (Y/N).'' - announces Tiberias, but Baldwin is too stunned to speak now. Before his eyes stands a lady who in the sunlight looks like an angel who descended from heaven. Everything about her is elegant and dignified with a sense of innocence, in manners she's so much like the king.

She performs such a deep curtsy that Baldwin for a moment loses his stoic posture and reaches out his hand, thinking she's going to kneel

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She performs such a deep curtsy that Baldwin for a moment loses his stoic posture and reaches out his hand, thinking she's going to kneel. ''Don't kneel.'' - he says gently, and the lady gets up but she still keeps her gaze on the ground.

''She comes from Byzantium.'' - continues Tiberias.

''Byzantium?'' - someone has spoken. ''Is she related to the emperor?''

''That's right. In her veins runs a royal blood.''

Baldwin doesn't seem to be interested in those details and comes closer to the lady. ''Look at me.'' - he orders. The lady slowly raises her head and looks straight into his blue eyes. ''Are you afraid of me?''

''Should I be, my lord?'' Her soft voice makes the king's heart race faster. A strange and unknown to him feeling makes his lips form into a slight smile under his silver mask.

''It depends on your true intentions. Tell me, were you forced to come here?''

''No, my lord. It was my and only my decision to accept this honorable offer.''


''My uncle, Tiberias, has told me many stories about you, your bravery and wisdom. My lord, I dare to say that I find your personality truly inspiring.''

''What about my appearance?''

''My lord...'' - interrupts Tiberias, coughing nervously.

''I believe it is not my place to judge you. However, I can ensure you that your illness won't stop me from supporting you as your wife. I'm prepared to serve you, my king.''

''We will see...'' Baldwin turns around and says to one of his servants: ''Take the lady to the chamber next my own. Make sure she comes to the feast tonight.'' Before leaving, he once again looks at the lady. ''I hope you will grace me with your presence at dinner.''

''I will.''

Baldwin respectfully nods at her and leaves to prepare himself for their meeting.

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