Part 6

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The grand day of the royal wedding is approaching but the entire castle seems to be living with the last night's incident, because of which the king called an urgent gathering of the High Court's members. Just as a courtier has brought word about the happening, lady (Y/N) at once heads out to attend the trial at the request of Baldwin. Walking through the back entrance, she is overawed by the turmoil in the great hall but her consternation immediately dissipates at the sight of a familiar silhouette sitting on the throne. ''My king...'' - says serenely lady (Y/N) while gracefully curtsying. All quarrels gradually lessen as noblemen turn their attention to a lady standing by the king's side.

''My lady, are you certain you want to participate in this trial?''

His solicitous tone encourages lady (Y/N) and faintly nodding, she replies: ''My lord, this matter includes me as well. For this reason I'm willing to take part in it.''

''Very well then.'' Baldwin then raises his arm toward the guards, giving them the order: ''Bring him in.''

Before the crowd is pushed a tied up man and subsequently forced to kneel in front of the king. When he slowly raises his head, lady (Y/N) catches the glimpse of his cold glare. Baldwin, giving his betrothed a sideways glance, notices her discomposed visage while she's intently eyeing the suspect. ''It is him...'' - whispers lady (Y/N) in awe.

At that time from the shadowy corner of the great hall emerges Tiberias, striding toward Baldwin. ''My king, we caught this man lurking around the main gate. I believe he's the one who tried to harm lady (Y/N).'' Awaiting his respond, Tiberias takes a peek at the future queen and lowers his eyes the moment he's greeted with (Y/N)'s downhearted gaze, sensing in it a longing for their mutual trust and friendship.

''Say, by whose order you tried to harm my betrothed?'' - poses a question Baldwin as he walks down the dais to better face the assaulter, who in reply starts to darkly snicker but is shortly ceased by a sudden slap across his face. ''I asked you a question...''

The king's impassive voice brings the man to heel who dazed as well as everyone else in the court finally speaks up: ''...I-I wasn't told the name nor I saw the face of that nobleman. All I know he's one of your knights...''

''Put him in a dungeon.''

''I had no intention of killing anyone! I swear it!'' - shouts pleadingly the accused, being dragged outside. No one dares to interject even a single word into the king's verdict after witnessing his obdurateness.

''If anyone has any objections, speak out.'' The king is glancing about the now silent public until he spots visibly grimacing in discontent Heraclius of Jerusalem. ''Does father Heraclius has anything to add?''

''W-Well...'' - mutters edgily Heraclius.


''My king, I've been thinking...'' The patriarch pauses for a moment to clear his throat, feeling insecure under the king's stern stare. ''Even if the wrongdoer was caught, it doesn't mean lady (Y/N) is no longer vulnerable. Shouldn't we then postpone the wedding for safety reasons?''

With his head tilted, Baldwin hums pensively as he steps forward. ''That's quite an audacious proposition of yours. In regard to the marriage, we shall ask lady (Y/N) first what she thinks of it. Lady (Y/N)?'' The king turns back to his betrothed, who with hesitation steps forward to take a stand for the first time in the High Court.

Even though some nobles brazenly send her sneers, lady (Y/N) keeps a straight face during her speech. ''My good men, I'm grateful for your great care, however, it is my belief that adjourning the ceremony would only be perceived by the enemy as a sign of the kingdom's weakness. Instead we shall prove it that venerable lords of Jerusalem do not fear any threats. That's why I'd like to suggest that we do not change our initial arrangement.''

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