Part 16

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''Come closer.'' - commands Baldwin after entering the bedchamber to first take a seat on his armchair and the queen reluctantly approaches the king, so close the hem of her robe brushes his knees. ''My fair lady...'' - he takes both her hands in his own to tenderly stroke them - ''What you did today was truly impressive.'' Lady (Y/N) precipitously lifts her eyelids to glance in amazement at him. Instead of an expected rebuke for breaking the royal protocol she receives a praise. ''Despite lord Guy's blatant defiance you didn't let catch yourself off-balance and requited with a spectacular dance I couldn't take my eyes off. Once again you proved to everyone your worth of being the queen. Therefore I have a request for you.'' With that said Baldwin raises to his feet and looks deeply into her eyes. ''Because of my worsening condition I need someone reliable to help me maintain order in the kingdom and the only person I trust here is you, my lady.''

''If there is anything I could do, pray tell me.''

The king then leans forward and in a lower tone continues: ''If I had to depart for diplomatic reasons, would you oversee the court at the time of my absence?''

''My dear...'' Visibly taken aback by his proposal, lady (Y/N) lowers her gaze shyly. ''Pardon my curiosity but why would you honor me with such a grand privilege when we both know I'm inexperienced in governing?''

In reply Baldwin hums silently and steps aside to take a stroll across the chamber. ''You don't have to worry about it, I will teach you all that's necessary. The question is whether you acquiesce to this arrangement?''

''If that's your wish, I'll gladly fulfill it.''

When lady (Y/N) gracefully curtsies, Baldwin gently raises her chin. ''That's not all.'' Wrapping his arm around her waist, he leads the lady to a full-length mirror with a golden frame. His fingertips trail along her shoulder, slipping off strands of her silky hair to exposure her nape in the nook of which the mask's lips leave a cold peck. To the queen's surprise Baldwin next puts on her a grand necklace with the glittering emblem of their kingdom. ''This golden jewelry can be worn only by queen consorts. From now on it belongs to you.''

''Thank you, my love.'' Beaming with joy, lady (Y/N) kisses passionately her husband, who in the heat of the moment presses his beloved to the desk, not bothered by the accidentally knocked down ink bottle on important letters. As the two of them are reveling in making love, guests begin returning to their chambers. Only princess Sibylla and lord Guy stay in the grand hall until the small hours.

''It's time to go to sleep.'' - speaks up the princess, watching with contempt her husband playing with an empty goblet.

A bit tipsy lord Guy snorts in response and tilts his head toward her. ''Did you come here to mock me?''

''I believe you embarrassed yourself enough today.''

Her cutting remark has made him chortle but his smirk promptly disappears. ''Is that how you show me gratitude for being helpful?''

''For causing a fuss at the performance?!''

''Don't you understand?'' - hisses irked lord Guy, springing up from his squeaky chair. ''Your new sister-in-law is a threat to you!''

''She promised us that my son will be the heir! It's a sufficient proof the queen is on our side!''

''Remember she's from the House of Komnenos. They are all greedy and treacherous, just like your stepmother.'' The princess opens her mouth but no word comes out of it as heavy thoughts overcast her mind. ''We have to prevent the queen from wrapping the king around her little finger.''

''...So what do you propose?'' While the couple proceeds with their cahoots, the first sunbeams of dawn peak into the castle's windows and birds commence their morning chansons. Yet nothing of it indicates incoming struggles.

''My king!'' - calls the breathless seneschal just as he reaches the door. ''My king! A letter from the pope!'' Topless Baldwin immediately emerges from behind several tiers of curtains enclosing the bed with sleeping soundly lady (Y/N) and stretches out his healthy hand to receive a rolled-up letter. Scanning the text quickly, the king clenches his fist in rage, crumpling so the large piece of paper. ''What does it say?'' - wonders anxious lord Joscelin.

''He doesn't assent to my marriage with lady (Y/N) as it was without his consent. If I don't repudiate the queen, his reinforcements won't be sent.''

''Good heavens! What shall we do? We cannot fall foul of the Church in these turbulent times! But we still need the Byzantine Empire as our ally!''

''...I won't annul the marriage.''

''But my king-''

''That's my definite decision!''

''Baldwin?'' - asks drowsy lady (Y/N), awakened by his exclamation. ''Did something happen?''

''Just a trifle not worth your worries, my love.''

''Are you leaving now?''

''Yes, but I might return late, so don't wait with breakfast for me.''

The lugubrious queen nods faintly and lies down with a hope for the return of her deep slumber, which doesn't seem to occur as the chanting voice of her lady-in-waiting reverberates in the hallway. ''M'lady~!'' Lady Elvira strides in with a silver tray full of tiny vessels. ''It's time for your medicines.''

''That much again?''

''Those are your mother's instructions, m'lady.'' Having noticed the grimace on the lady's face, she adds: ''Remember, we must do this to protect you from getting infected with leprosy.''

''What is it?'' - asks lady (Y/N), picking up a little brazen bowl.

''Cashew paste with a pinch of salt, her new medicine.''

''Mhm, it's delicious!''

''I don't mean to disturb your good mood but a courtier came around to announce that countess Agnes would love to have her daughter-in-law accompanying her today.''

''Tell her messenger that with delight I accept her invitation.''

''M'lady, what if it's a trap? After all, she's infamous for her numerous scandals.''

''She certainly didn't invite me for no reason but to find out her true intention I must meet her personally.'' Once the queen finishes her daily routine, she heads out to her mother-in-law's boudoir, where already is awaiting her the queen mother together with other ladies.

''Welcome, my dear child.'' - greets her countess Agnes but frowns the second she spots the royal jewelry on the guest.

'' - greets her countess Agnes but frowns the second she spots the royal jewelry on the guest

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Lady (Y/N) respectfully gives a bob. ''Mother.''

''There're some things we need to discuss. Shall we take a seat?''

''Of course.'' With a meaningful smile queen (Y/N) joins the little gathering of noblewomen, aware of the new game's beginning.

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