Part 17

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''Ah, it's been a long time since the castle was so lively.'' - comments melancholy countess Agnes while enjoying a cup of herbal tea.

''And it will be even more once your grandchildren come into the world.'' - adds another noblewoman with a studied grin.

''Ahem!'' - interrupts her suddenly lady Stephanie of Milly, lord Raynald's wife. ''I hope the queen doesn't take her careless talk to heart, we won't bring up this subject ever again if it's your wish.''

''Why wouldn't we discuss something that is feasible?'' - ponders the queen with her eyebrows knitted together in puzzlement.

''What do you mean, your majesty?''

''You all here claim that lepers cannot sire their own offspring but no one mentions that my dear mother-in-law's mother, Beatrice of Saone, was first married to a son of a leprous knight, Robert of Saone.''

''Who told you that?!'' - bursts out the disturbed queen mother, visibly not content with bringing back the long-forgotten past.

''I read it in one of the chronicles.''

''It doesn't befit a queen to delve in the royal records without the king's knowledge.''

''A different belief has my husband, who entrusted his library to me.'' - replies impudently lady (Y/N) with a smirk that gives the quietus to the animadversion.

''Uh, let's drink some tea, shall we?'' - intervenes lady Stephanie to break the sudden tension and as she reaches for a teapot, one of the maids swiftly approaches their table with a copper mug.

''This is a rare herbal tea from overseas I ordered specially for you.'' - explains lady Agnes, presenting the gift to her daughter-in-law. ''Its medicinal properties greatly improve immunity.''

''Fertility too?'' - cuts in banteringly lady (Y/N), drawing closer the peculiar thick drink to her nose to guess the mixed herbs by their scent. ''Just as I thought, they are incorrectly blended. Mother-'' - she pauses abruptly once the sallow now countess breaks into a severe fit of coughing and breathlessly slips off the chair. The dismayed queen rushes to her mother-in-law's side and frowns at the sight of her swollen lips with a burn. ''Call a physician! Quickly!''

''Y-You poisoned me...'' And with those words breathed she rolls back her eyes, about to faint.

''Mother?! Mother!'' Not waiting for the aid, lady (Y/N) frantically scours the chamber for a few pieces of coal and to everyone's amazement hastily prepares a dark potion to subsequently pour it into the noblewoman's mouth with the assistance of lady Stephanie. When the belated royal physicians finally arrive, the poison has already flowed out, but the brooding queen doesn't withdraw yet and moves aside to inspect a spilled liquid. ''...Someone added a poisonous herb.''

All of a sudden, the door opens with a slam only to reveal lady Elvira dragging inside a scuffling maid. ''M'lady, I caught her eavesdropping on us!'' Right then the suspect bits her hand and runs away, dropping a jar with some dry leaves on the way.

''Wait!'' Lady (Y/N) unhesitatingly dashes after her before anyone else could react and passing by the courtyard, she calls to guards: ''Catch her! She poisoned the queen mother!''

This commotion, however, is not left unnoticed by lord Joscelin, who is watching the scene through the narrow window of the great hall. ''Good heavens!'' Although the session is not over yet, the seneschal promptly abandons the political discussions to follow the queen.

''What happened out there?'' - questions a chamberlain, standing beside the king.

''I only saw the queen running after someone.'' At the courtier's news alarmed Baldwin raises to his feet and without a word storms outside.

Meanwhile, the chase has reached a blind alley and puzzled lady (Y/N) is gazing about the tranquil avenue where mysteriously disappeared the woman. ''(Y/N)?'' At the sound of a familiar voice she rapidly turns around to face a gaggle of ladies in satin gowns.


Toward her loftily ambles the queen dowager and the king's stepmother, Maria Komnene

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Toward her loftily ambles the queen dowager and the king's stepmother, Maria Komnene. ''Fancy seeing you here, cousin. Could it be that your mother at last managed to marry you off or they sent you to a convent?'' In response the queen consort raises her hand with the wedding ring right before her cousin's eyes. ''Ooh! So who is this fortunate nobleman, if he is noble of course?''

''That fortunate man is Baldwin IV, king of Jerusalem.''

''Pfft! What?'' Erupting into laughter, Maria glances over her shoulder for a plaudit from her courtiers. ''Have you heard it? She married the leprous king! What a perfect match!'' To boost their guffawing, without shame she continues debasing her younger relative: ''You must've been truly desperate to marry a leper. I wonder how did you bride him?''

''Are you creating an uproar again?'' - this time it's Baldwin speaking up.

''Your majesty...'' Lady Maria immediately curtsies at the sight of the king coming together with his uncle. ''We've just had a causerie.''

''If you have nothing important to say then return to your chambers, I believe your dinner is already cold.''

''Is that how you greet your stepmother?''

''Is that how you speak to your king?''

His adamant rejoinder has made her chuckle and nodding thoughtfully, the queen dowager murmurs under her nose before taking her leave: ''Just like his father.'' After entering a dimmed passageway leading to her bedchamber, she hisses into her maid's ear: ''How come no one told me that leper married (Y/N)?!''

''I-I wasn't told who was the bride.''

''Ugh! If it wasn't for her, I'd finally get rid of the countess.'' Lost in thoughts she slows down and murmurs balefully: ''Guess I have a new target now.''

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