Part 14

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''(Y/N).'' - whispers softly Baldwin when the queen slightly shifts in her sleep.

Lady (Y/N) slowly opens her sleepy eyes and the first thing that comes into her sight is an expressionless silver mask glistening in the warming sunbeams. ''...Baldwin...'' A bit drowsy, she greets him with a fond smile, while the king's bandaged fingers are tenderly stroking her cheek.

''My beautiful queen...'' - he purrs before a thunderous knock on the door startles both of them and in a hurry covers his naked wife with his broad white cloak.

''My lord, my lo-'' Lord Joscelin III of Courtenay storms inside the bedchamber and immediately halts, abashed to witness the newlyweds still reposing in their bed. ''F-Forgive me, my lord. Your mysterious absence at breakfast caused me concern so I've come to make sure nothing bad happened to your majesty.''

''Since when you've been so worried about me, uncle?'' - asks rhetorically Baldwin, closely observing the deeply bending seneschal.

''My lord, it's already noon. You've never slept so long. It might disquiet the guests who are expecting your presence in today's events.''

''This day I'll spend with my beloved wife. Tell servants to bring breakfast to my chamber and inform the guests I won't attend their entertainments.''

''As you wish, my lord.'' Expeditiously taking his leave, the lost in thought count almost bumps into striding by lady Agnes. ''Ah! Goodness gracious! You startled me!''

''Brother, did something happen? You've been behaving suspiciously since this morning.''

''You won't believe it. The king...'' Intimidated by her courtiers' presence, he leans down to continue in a hushed and agitated tone: ''The king is still in the bed but not alone! Moreover, there were female robes along with his own scattered all over the floor!''

''The good luck is on our side!'' - the ecstatic countess clasps her hands together, perplexing the man - ''Ladies, go prepare for a trip! We'll visit a herbalist.''

The moment she is about to follow them, lord Joscelin rapidly grabs her wrist. ''I can tell you're up to something. What are you scheming this time?''

''Don't you understand, brother? The queen is our only chance to restore our noble house's glory. If she gives birth to a prince, I will gain the Byzantine Empire as my ally and thus our positions in the court will be secured.''

''But that's a fond hope, lepers cannot have children of their own.''

''Be that as it may, I'll do everything in my power to make her join our side. We cannot lose to Ibelians and that witch!''

''Sister, I beg you, don't try anything foolish that might harm our high repute.''

''At least I'm doing something for our family unlike you who can't even take back Edessa!'' - snaps the irked queen mother, silencing with that cutting remark her younger brother, who in response smiles bitterly and nods faintly before swiftly turning around to return to his duties. In this constrained atmosphere all it's heard is the woman's heavy sigh followed by the faltering echo of the flat heels' clattering.

When no one is seen around anymore, from behind the pillar leans out one of the queen's ladies-in-waiting, who has been hiding there throughout the heated discussion, and promptly heads over to the royal chambers. ''M'lady.'' - she calls, curtsying in the doorway.

''Oh, lady Elvira!'' The queen already finishes cleaning Baldwin's wounds and with a divided attention proceeds to bandage them.

''I trust m'lady will pardon me for interrupting your privacy because I'm bringing you some news that might interest you.''

''Don't be shy, speak up.''

''An envoy from Nablus arrived to notify your majesties about the queen dowager's expedition to Jerusalem and thereunto her desire to meet the new queen in person.''

''Well, she is not belated yet.'' - comments jocosely lady (Y/N). ''The wedding feast will last for seven days more. A plenty of time to get to know each other better.''

Once Elvira has excused herself not to disturb their leisure time any longer, inquisitive Baldwin interferes: ''If I'm not mistaken, you and lady Maria Komnene are cousins.''

''Indeed, we're related. My mother and her father are siblings and thereby we share the same grandfather who is the current emperor's brother. In other words we're both grandnieces of emperor Manuel.''

''You share the same bloodline but are like diamonds and dust, unlike the High Court's prejudice that all Komnene ladies are alike.''

''Is that so? I haven't seen her for years but I remember well she was malicious.''

''So nothing changed...'' - pensively mumbles under his breath Baldwin.


''(Y/N)...'' He subsequently seizes her hand to bring it to his dry lips, pecking tenderly the knuckles. ''Would you like to take a stroll with me around the castle?''

''With pleasure.'' After devouring their quick breakfast full of fruit snacks, the royal couple sneak out through the terrace and next the corner tower with a turret staircase leading to the attic. ''My dear, aren't you afraid of getting caught by guardians here?''

''Why would I be?''

''They might posit we're trying to flee from the castle. And what if they accuse me of kidnapping you?'' Her guileless comment has caused the king to burst into laugh, a mellow, fading-out sound she hasn't heard before.

''They'd rather accuse you of thievery because you stole my heart.'' With that said he inclines to cup her face, not averting his dreamy gaze from her subtle visage.

''Is someone there?'' A passing by guardian's voice alarms Baldwin, who pins his wife against the wall and with their bodies pressed against each other, they wait till the threat disappears in a long hall.

Stepping back a little, he enjoins: ''...Come with me.''

Baldwin nimbly unlocks the rusted padlock of a massive oaken door and, locking arms with the queen, he shows her inside the large but cramped library

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Baldwin nimbly unlocks the rusted padlock of a massive oaken door and, locking arms with the queen, he shows her inside the large but cramped library.

''...Incredible...'' - utters astounded lady (Y/N) as she saunters between rows of bookcases filled with relics of the last century like yellowed scrolls, handwritten books in many languages and even sculptures of historical figures.

''This is my secret place where I used to come often as a child. Now it can be yours if you wish so.''

''I'd love to, but how did you manage to collect so many precious antiques?''

''My grandmother was a patronage of books which she greatly cherished. She even created a school of bookmakers.''

''Queen Melisende?''

''Yes. She was the first queen regnant to rule Jerusalem.''

''And maybe not the last.''

''For now we have a male heir but we shouldn't exclude the possibility the throne might pass one day to the future children of Sibylla.''

''Or someone else's children.'' An ambiguous smirk forms in the corner of the queen's mouth.

Baldwin then picks up a weighty chronicle and takes a seat at the primeval desk. Together with his beloved he will thence browse pages of the manuscript, discovering anew the mists of history. 

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