Part 4

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At the break of dawn lady (Y/N) is awaken by the racket outside her bedchamber. With sleepy steps she moves toward the window to cast an amazed look at the stunning panorama surrounding the castle and lost in her reverie she thinks aloud: ''Jerusalem...'' Behind the large bailey can be seen plenty of roofs, flat and dome-shaped, covering the beige buildings enshrouded in spurts of grey smoke. Further away on the horizon are hills soaring high above Jerusalem like some mystical guardians of the townsfolk. The teeming roads of the kingdom are bustling just like the courtyard where servants are rushing in all ways, carrying baskets with food and fabrics. That means the preparations for the royal wedding have just begun. The moment the door opens with a creak, lady (Y/N) looks over her shoulder to spot a tall woman with frizzy hair clumsily pinned up, now crouching in the doorway as she's trying to perform the deepest curtsy. ''Don't kneel.'' Lady (Y/N) cues her to stand up and come in.

''M'lady, I'm Elvira, your new chief lady-in-waiting. Though I come from a noble house, you might not have seen me before. I've come to inform you that princess Sibylla desires to invite you to breakfast.''

''So early? It's dawning yet.''

''Princess Sibylla is aware of your tight schedule for today, that's why she asked for a meeting to be earlier.''

In response lady (Y/N), visibly lost in her thoughts, faintly nods and with the help of her other ladies-in-waiting she quickly changes into a new dress before she heads out to the princess's boudoir.

''Princess Sibylla...'' Lady (Y/N) gracefully curtsies in the entrance to a small but bright chamber full of tall candlesticks and furniture with golden ornaments. ''Thank you for inviting me to breakfast.''

''Please call me Sibylla.'' Though her lips form into a thin smile, her tone of voice remains cold as well as her glance. ''Come and take a seat.'' Sibylla invites her inside the chamber, pointing at the free spot in front of her armchair. Lady (Y/N) takes a seat opposite her future sister-in-law and politely smiles despite the feeling of discomfort under her judging stare.

 Lady (Y/N) takes a seat opposite her future sister-in-law and politely smiles despite the feeling of discomfort under her judging stare

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However, the tensed silence is shortly interrupted by a sudden arrival of a young boy in a ritzy attire. Sibylla follows her guest's curious look and with angst in her eyes immediately rushes to the child's side. ''My dear, I've told you not to come here when I have guests.''

''But the ship...''

Lady (Y/N) then notices that the wooden toy he's clutching is broken so she kindly offers her help: ''I know how to fix it. I used to have a similar one when I was your age. May I?'' The boy, awaiting a permission from his mother, looks questionably at troubled Sibylla, who after long thought lets him go. ''Baldwin? Is it your name?'' - asks surprised lady (Y/N) when she spots the letters engraved on the hull of the tiny ship. Little Baldwin proudly gives a bob as he intently watches the miniature of a warship being deftly repaired. ''You were named after the king, weren't you?''

''Yes. The king is my uncle and one day I'll inherit the throne.'' His words casually spoken make lady (Y/N) bemusedly glance over flustered Sibylla, who promptly grabs her son's hand to lead him outside. No one has told (Y/N) before that the king has his heir already chosen. ''It's time to go, my dear. Your lesson with William of Tyre will begin soon.''

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