Part 10

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Baldwin, adjusting the too tight bandage on his hand, glances up at accompanying him Tiberias and asks a bit coldly: ''Where's the other bed for the queen? It was supposed to be brought here tonight.''

''According to the royal custom the newly wed monarch has to share the bed with the spouse on their wedding night. That's your duty, my lord.''

This uncontested remark hasn't appealed to the king, who in dissatisfaction clenches his fists and murmurs pensively: ''You all spout about customs and rights but how many of you actually comply with them?'' Having no response from Tiberias, Baldwin turns to one of his royal physicians already packing their medical equipment. ''Give me more scented oils.''

''Sire, it was the last dose. The rest was used before the wedding ceremony.''

Baldwin hums discontentedly as he remembers that he requested lots of the finest oils in the kingdom and all of them were used just for meetings with the queen, not to mention how many times had his wounds cleaned in the meantime. Clearly stressed out about the last part of the wedding ceremony, he asks eagerly: ''Tiberias, I was wondering if your goddaughter likes vanilla fragrance oil?''

''I believe she does-''

''Don't you have the impression that my bed is too narrow? It might be even too hard for her to sleep.''

''My lord, believe me, there's no need to change anything. As long as you are by lady (Y/N)'s side, she will be happy.''

The king's groomsman, count Philip, who has been all this time devouring fruit salads for the newlyweds, smirks at the sight of uptight Baldwin. ''Heavens!'' Grinning from ear to ear, the count of Flanders inclines toward the king. ''You do love the queen!''

''Count Philip, it is my obligation as a husband to provide for my wife. This marriage is not only important for our dynasty but the kingdom as well.''

''Of course it is.'' - confirms sarcastically Philip as he leans back in his seat.

Tiberias pats hardly the teasing count, making him choke on a piece of dried apricot. ''Lord Philip, you're a married man. I'm sure you have a piece of advice you would like to share with the groom.''

''That's what should be asked the most famous philanderer in this kingdom, Bohemond of Antioch, but sadly he couldn't join the feast when he is hunted by patriarch Aimery with his new hobby, excommunication.'' The count's gust of laughter gradually fades away under the piercing glare of Tiberias. ''Ah, it can never be dull in this kingdom, can't it?''

Right then Elvira walks in, leading in the group of ladies-in-waiting along with the queen in the middle. ''My king, the queen has arrived.'' With that said Elvira sees the knights and courtiers off the bedchamber so the king and his wife can prepare for the bedding ceremony.

Lady (Y/N) with her eyes lowered stands in front of Baldwin and slips down the blanket to reveal her skimpy attire. Heavily blushing, she folds her arms over her chest, too shy to make eye contact with her husband. ''My king, I'm ready.''

Speechless Baldwin can't help but thoroughly view the queen from head to toe. A warm sensation spreads over his body, too intense to be resisted. Now he is certain of his feeling, he desires (Y/N).

 Now he is certain of his feeling, he desires (Y/N)

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