Part 8

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All bells in Jerusalem begin ringing the moment the king and the new queen step outside the church and are bestrewed with tons of rose petals

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All bells in Jerusalem begin ringing the moment the king and the new queen step outside the church and are bestrewed with tons of rose petals. ''Long live the king! Long live the queen!'' - only those euphoric words echoes throughout the streets of the kingdom which hasn't been so lively since Baldwin IV ascended the throne. The newlyweds now have to return on horseback to the castle where awaits them the last part of the ceremonial, the official coronation of the queen consort. Lady (Y/N) notices then that the king has already pulled a wide hood over his head so no one can even catch a glimpse of the mask despite that they're heavily guarded by knights from all sides and moves on with his head held high to maintain an adamant manner throughout the entire parade, whereas she remains silent as per the royal etiquette, sending only tentative smiles to bystanders who jostle each other to have at least a peek at the bride.

When they reach the main gate, the crowd of nobles moves aside to make a way for the royal couple heading to the great hall, where on the dais are displayed two thrones in front of which with the help of Tiberias takes a stand Baldwin, seemingly exhausted from the procession. Lady (Y/N) with her eyes lowered kneels down and joins hands together like an angel in wistfulness. Along with Amalric of Nesle behind, Baldwin approaches at a slack pace lady (Y/N), not averting his pensive gaze from her, and solemnly proclaims: ''I, Baldwin IV, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, proclaim (Y/N) of Byzantium, my wife, Queen of Jerusalem. With the help of God she will rule her people well.''

All eyes are now on the gold crown being cautiously placed on the new queen's head

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All eyes are now on the gold crown being cautiously placed on the new queen's head. Sensing the weight and chilliness of the royal insignia, lady (Y/N)'s heart thumps rhythmically in her ears. From now on she's no longer just a humble noble lady from the Byzantine emperors' family but a queen consort, Queen of Jerusalem. ''Long live the queen, in prosperity!'' - exclaims the Latin patriarch of Jerusalem when the queen rises to her feet to next grandly face her subjects. Her posture resembles a gilded sculpture of a greek goddess by some miracle left unscathed in a lush olive orchard despite the turbulent times.

''Long live the queen! Long live the queen! Long live the queen!''

''My lady?'' - asks in a hushed tone Baldwin and lady (Y/N) turns to him with astonishment painted on her light pink face, causing the king to faintly smile. ''Shall we?'' Baldwin reaches out to grasp his wife's hand before sitting down on thrones.

''My king, my queen.'' Princess Sibylla is first to congratulate the royal couple. ''I wish to extend to Your Majesty my sincere congratulations.''

''Thank you, my sister.'' Baldwin nods thankfully at Sibylla deeply curtsying before them. Guy of Lusignan, obviously disguised by the sight of Baldwin and lady (Y/N) holding hands together, unwillingly kowtows without a single word.

''My king.'' - whispers Tiberias, discreetly leaning toward the king next to who he stands. ''Queen Dowager didn't arrive due to health reasons for what I know.''

''So be it. I've much more important things on my mind than her endless excuses.'' - replies coldly Baldwin and a bit perplexed Tiberias steps back as he knows well the king and his step-mother never had good relations, if there were any.

''My dear son!'' Countess Agnes of Courtenay brimming over with joy rushes with her husband to congratulate her son. ''Words can't describe my happiness I feel for you. My dear Baldwin, I hope you will experience the warmth of family I couldn't provide you...'' Her voice suddenly breaks when she tears up at the memory of sorrowful past years. Sobbing a little lady Agnes not to dampen the king's spirits comes up to the queen. ''Ah, lady (Y/N), I haven't introduced my husband to you yet, have I? This is lord Reginald of Sidon.'' The countess locks arms with a nobleman standing by her side, who seems a bit aloof when it comes to the introduction.

The queen greets the man with a light nod and says ruminatively: ''So he is now my father-in-law. Glad to meet you, sir.''

A sudden commotion in the entrance interrupts their peaceful moment. ''My lord!'' - a knight elbows his way through the guests. ''Saladin's envoys are here with gifts. Shall we let them in?'' The king without hesitation cues him to bring them over and then across the hall stride the sultan's envoys accompanied by the echo of hectic whispers. ''My lord, Salah ad-Din, sends you his best wishes along with those gifts on the occasion of your wedding.''

''Tell your lord that I gladly accept his gifts and his wishes.'' The king then points his hand at one of his servants to command him: ''Those envoys are also my guests. Serve dinner to them and arrange their night's lodging.''

''Yes, my lord.''

Curious lady (Y/N) inclines toward Baldwin, who is intently fumbling with the wooden box's clasp, and says timidly: ''I was told the sultan of Egypt, Saladin, is your greatest enemy but it seems to me those stories are not entirely accurate.''

''I do not desire war, my lady, but peace. Every deed of mine is solely for the kingdom's good and its future. However, not everyone shares my belief.'' Baldwin lifts a lid away to reveal a glossy sword with a golden hilt in a shape of a lion.

Lady (Y/N) leans in to take a better look at it as well but frowns slightly when she spots a word engraved on its fuller. ''Something is engraved on it...''

''...Sadeeq...'' - reads aloud Baldwin, heedfully examining the marvelous gift.

''What does it mean?''

''A friend.'' - replies melancholy Baldwin, staring blankly at his own reflection in the long blade.

''Oh, there's something else.'' The queen's attention catches a tiny box bedecked with lapis lazuli polished gemstones, inside of which is a pair of long pearl earrings. ''Good heavens!'' - lady (Y/N) gasps in disbelief. ''Look, my king, Saladin has gifted me with this beautiful jewelry. This is too precious to be worn by a mere gentlewoman like me...''

Without a single glance at the ravishing jewelry, the king faces his uptight wife and soothingly speaks up: ''My dear lady, this wedding gift is Saladin's sign of accepting you as his friend and you have the very right to cherish it. Don't forget you're a queen now.''

''I do wear a crown but I also have this ring, a token of my love for you. Thus I pray you see me not only as the queen of Jerusalem but also as your wife.'' When smiling fondly lady (Y/N) gently places her hand on top of his own, an unfamiliar warm feeling arises in his heart.

''My lord.'' - sternly intervenes Tiberias. ''Other guests are waiting with their offerings.''

King Baldwin leans back in his seat, assuming his majestic pose, to proceed with welcoming the rest of guests who can't wait to meet the new queen.

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