Part 18

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''I'm certain Maria is behind this incident.'' - contemplates frowned lady (Y/N), pacing the floor in front of her bedchamber's door in eager anticipation for the news.

''Now that countess Agnes doesn't wish to see m'lady again, there's no ally left to lend support in proving it.'' - dolefully comments lady Elvira, following her to the marbled balustrade of the terrace overlooking the courtyard.

''So I'm on my own...'' - the queen hankers, staring dourly at the inebriate knights reveling. Merry chanting and sonorous laughs reverberate in all corners of the castle, yet grief takes over the queen's visage. As surging distressful thoughts become too heavy for her vulnerable soul, the echo of expedited footsteps makes her swiftly turn around to find herself in an affectionate embrace of her husband.

''Take some rest, my dear. You've been through a lot today.''

''What about your mother? Will she regain her health?''

''Physicians say it will take only a few days for her to recover.''

''Thank goodness!'' - lady (Y/N) lets out a sigh of relief.

''I was also told you're the one to be blamed for all that happened.''

Bewildered by this ignoble imputation, she takes a tardy step back but with her head held high. ''...And do you believe that?''

Baldwin then at a slow pace approaches his wife to whisper into her ear: ''My love, once you enter the royal court, you become part of politics. It's like an endless game of chess where you always have to face opponents, but remember, the queen never plays alone, she has pawns by her side.'' And with that said he presses his silver mask's lips to her forehead.

''To win the game a queen like me must be strong.'' - ponders lady (Y/N), fiddling with the button of his collar. ''Thus I have a request.''

''What kind of?''

''I'd like to learn archery.''

''You are not willing to participate in my campaigns, are you?''

''My dear, all I wish is to serve the kingdom as excellently as you and be your boast, therefore I'm asking for your guidance. And we'd have an excuse to spend more time together.''

''Hmm.'' Baldwin can't help but chuckle at her coquettish smirk. ''If that's the case, I'll gladly become your mentor.''

''Thank you!'' The exultant queen wraps her arms around his neck and showers him with tender kisses, not aware that they're being observed by a hooded couple in the arched doorway at the end of the long hallway

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''Thank you!'' The exultant queen wraps her arms around his neck and showers him with tender kisses, not aware that they're being observed by a hooded couple in the arched doorway at the end of the long hallway.

''You said she wasn't attracted to him.'' - complains frustrated lady Maria, an ironic smile forms on her lips at the sight of two lovers kissing passionately.

''She seemed so before...'' - replies falteringly her spy but the fuming with rage queen dowager silences him with a rapid hand gesture, imitating so her stepson when he faces the roaring audience, and glares up at the queen who with a spring in her step returns to the chamber only to find that no maid, except for lady Elvira, has come today to assist the mistress of the castle.

''Where are the other ladies?''

''Your maids won't come anymore, m'lady, because they resigned from their service.''

''For what reason?''

''I believe the rumor is the cause of their capricious actions.''

''What rumor?''

''...That the queen contracted leprosy.''

''What?!'' At once agitated lady (Y/N) heads off in a hurry to meet those ladies, which have already gathered outside to revolt unitedly. ''I assume you are here for some explanations.''

''Your majesty...'' - one of them begins timorously. ''Serving the queen is our greatest desire, however, we cannot fulfill our duty when it's exposing us to health impairment.''

''Are you accusing me of poorly treating my maids?''

''What I meant, your majesty, is the fear that we might catch leprosy. How could we know the queen is not infected?''

Unrest and disbelief ignite in the jostling crowd out of which expeditiously emerges lady Maria to stand by the queen's side and declare to the bystanders: ''Exactly! We all shall know for our own sake if she is a leper or not.'' Her maids, being given a short nod, promptly surround lady (Y/N) and with force drag her toward their taskmistress. Only lady Elvira is desperately trying to hold them back despite being outnumbered.

''What are you doing?!'' With terror in her eyes lady (Y/N) watches one servant picking up a torch to next hand it over to lady Maria.

''There is one way to verify it.''

''Let go of her!'' - shouts princess Sibylla, first to come to the scene when a shrill scream reaches her ears. Without hesitation she pulls her stepmother's hair and subsequently a great fight breaks out between the two of them. It would end up tragically if not the seneschal, who has arrived in time to separate the huffing women with scratched faces and tousled coiffures. ''Seize her! She tried to kill the queen!''

''Good gracious!'' - exclaims appalled lord Joscelin, when he spots lady (Y/N)'s burned arm. ''Take the queen to the physicians! Now!'' Once the queen is taken to the royal physicians, he adds irately: ''If the king learns about this incident, both of you, ladies, will be exiled!''

Fortunately, the injury wasn't severe and the chief physician has nimbly taken care of it. Nevertheless, his bafflement still remains after the hours-long examination. ''...How is it possible?'' - he murmurs under his nose, rereading the report prepared by his inferiors.

''Master, we have already analyzed it several times. The results must be true.''

''Am I...'' - interrupts anxious lady (Y/N), resting in her bed. ''...leprous?''

''No, your majesty. Just like we hoped no sign of leprosy was found, instead of it another discovery was made.'' - leaning back in his seat, he takes a pensive glance at her fists nervously clasping a hem of the blanket and placidly announces: ''Congratulations, your majesty. You're pregnant.'' Not receiving any response from the speechless queen, the man thereafter asks: ''Shall I inform the king now?''

''...No, I'll tell him. And remember, no one else can be informed about this.''

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11 ⏰

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