Part 5

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After a long day of preparations for the grand ceremony, exhausted lady (Y/N) walks into her bedchamber and with the rest of her strength she changes into a cotton chemise with long sleeves before she lies down on the bed. Because of her tight schedule she hasn't seen the king since the morning and they might not see each other until their wedding, what truly saddens her because the king is now the only person she can trust, at least she hopes so. Her long-awaited repose is shortly interrupted by a light knock on the door and to the chamber comes her lady-in-waiting, Elvira, but not empty-handed. ''M'lady, forgive my intrusion at so late hour. I've come to just bring you a gift from the king.''

''A gift?'' - asks intrigued lady (Y/N) as she immediately gets to her feet and makes her way to the mysterious round-top box covered with a blanket. When Elvira unveils it, lady (Y/N) gasps enthusiastically at the sight of a parrot inside a golden cage.

''Previously the parrot was in the king's possession but now it's left in your care in the hope of lifting your mood.''

''The king, the king!'' - squawks the birdie.

Excited lady (Y/N) leans down to take a better look at the feathered creature and cheerfully greets her new companion: ''Hello, the king's little friend. I'm lady (Y/N).''

''(Y/N)!'' - repeats the quite talkative pet, clapping its wing as though it already took a liking to its new owner, and after being released by lady (Y/N) it perches on a wooden stand for birds under the window.

''Send my words of thanks to the king. I'm truly overjoyed.'' This surprise has obviously made her feel much better so at one time she'd like to reciprocate his generosity.

''I will, m'lady.'' Elvira with a contented smile on her face deeply bows her head and backs away to the doorway. ''Goodnight, m'lady.''

''Goodnight, Elvira.'' Lady (Y/N) bids her goodbye with a bright smile like she always does to all servants in the castle, with kindness and respect for their work.

No longer after she has fallen asleep, an abrupt parrot's squeal wakes her up: ''Ah! Guards! Guards! Gua-'' Discomposed lady (Y/N) lifts her head and frowns with dismay when she hears a creak of the wooden floor. The moment clouds disperse, the moon casts its light on a dark silhouette emerging from the shadow.

''Guards!'' - cries out in panic lady (Y/N) as the stranger with a wide shawl enshrouding his face up to eyes strides toward her. ''I'm warning you, don't get close or else you will regret it!'' To protect herself, she grabs blindly a candlestick, the only thing that was within her reach, and points it at him while crawling back until she reaches a wall.

Then a sudden thud followed by a sharp tug of the handle distracts her attention for a second to catch a glimpse of her guard's stiff body slumping over, pushing back one door leaf. Imagining the worst scenario, lady (Y/N) lets out a scream in terror that reaches the king's ears as his bedchamber is next to her own. Right then the door rapidly opens with a slam to reveal puffing Baldwin, holding a sword. Without hesitation he storms inside to rescue his betrothed, however, the intruder doesn't even think of withdrawing and immediately takes out a dagger from a hidden pocket in his robe.

Anxious lady (Y/N) intently watches their hard-fought duel in which Baldwin instantly gains the upper hand thanks to his excellent swordsmanship. With the final swing he knocks a sharp weapon out his opponent's grip and presses the tip of the blade to his throat after they have stepped outside on the terrace, but then the man with his arms now raised in surrender unexpectedly tumbles over the balustrade to disappear in the darkness of the night. Before Baldwin could react in any way, all of a sudden he loses his balance but fortunately lady (Y/N) gets in time to his side to shore him up.

''My king, you risked your life for me...'' Lady (Y/N)'s voice suddenly wavers as tears gather in the corners of her twinkling eyes.

''It is my duty to keep my future queen safe and sound.''

''Oh, my king...'' Sobbing lady (Y/N) then hurls herself into his arms, surprising the king who is not used to cuddling because of his strict upbringing, so no wonder it has taken him longer to embrace her.

'' Sobbing lady (Y/N) then hurls herself into his arms, surprising the king who is not used to cuddling because of his strict upbringing, so no wonder it has taken him longer to embrace her

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''M'lady!'' - shouts Elvira as she rushes to the royal family's chambers and abruptly halts in the doorway at the sight of Baldwin with lady (Y/N) in his enfolding. Soon after her arrive a few knights alarmed by the turmoil and to prevent them from encroaching on the couple's privacy, Elvira stops them in the entrance: ''How dare you barge in here?! The lady needs some quietness to regain her composure!''

''But we heard someone attempted assassination.'' - intervenes one knight.

''The trespasser is already gone. You shall seek him outside before he leaves the grounds of the castle.'' After they have taken their leaves in a hurry, red-faced Elvira silently closes the door, leaving the king and his future queen alone.

''You should take a rest, my lady.'' - says softly Baldwin while guiding the lady to the bed so they can take a seat.

''Oh, my lord, how can I get a wink of sleep after all that happened? I'm even scared to stay alone...''

''Do not fear, my lady, I'm here with you.''

His gentle voice reassures lady (Y/N) who rests her head on Baldwin's shoulder and worriedly asks: ''What about the parrot and that guardian? I saw his motionless body on the floor.'''

''I assure you no one was harmed. Apparently, someone put guardians to sleep. About the parrot, it might had a pouch thrown on its head to be silenced but later I saw our little friend sitting comfortable on a windowsill.''

''Thanks goodness...''

Brooding about the latest incident, Baldwin hasn't noticed when lady (Y/N) dozed off and now with utmost delicacy he lays her down. Gazing at her sleeping face, he can't help but leave a peck with his silver mask's lips on her forehead.

About to head back to his own bedchamber, Baldwin pauses when he hears Tiberias's hushed voice, who is waiting outside in the hallway presumably with the intention of reconciliation: ''My lady, I heard about that incident and I must ask how do you fare? I understand if you're still resentful of me but I pray you believe my words. Yes, I mustered my knights during the Holy Week but I never desired to demise the king. My only one intention was to prevent Guy of Lusignan from marrying the princess. That's all.''

''Tiberias...'' - answers Baldwin on his future wife's behalf, shocking Tiberias, who expected lady (Y/N) to come out.

''My king...'' - utters in confusion Tiberias, assuming he mistook the entrances.

''May the attestation of your loyalty to me be veritable, but now you should leave because my betrothed would like to have some sleep.''

''...Is that so...'' Baffled Tiberias turns to go back to his own place, though he can't get the image of the king staying late in the woman's chamber out of his mind, pondering if he should be contented or perturbed about it.

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