Part 9

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Tonight joyful music and laughs fill the entire Jerusalem celebrating the royal wedding of the king Baldwin IV and lady (Y/N) of Byzantium. The newlyweds sit composedly at the large table bedecked with still untasted fruit snacks and beverages, while others are truly enjoying themselves, singing-along and briskly dancing in a ring. The queen sends a sideways glance at her silent husband impassively watching the guests. Another hour has passed and he hasn't taken a single bite yet.

''I feel pity for that girl...'' - a whisper of one noblewoman draws the queen's attention. ''She was forced to marry a leper...''

''How desperate must have been her parents to line their pockets...'' - comments her companion.

''I'm pretty sure they're already looking for a handsome and rich knight who would be her next husband, but who will touch a leper's woman?''

Outraged queen (Y/N) stands up rapidly and accidentally overturns the chair with a bang, which subsequently attracts focus of all nobles and puzzled minstrels stop playing chansons, wondering what the queen is about to do. Feeling tensed under so many judging stares, lady (Y/N) with a strained smile grabs a goblet and exclaims: ''Let's raise a toast to our beloved king Baldwin IV. Long live the king!''

''Long live the king!'' - repeats cheerfully the crowd and the clamor once again takes over the great hall.

Tiberias then rushes to the queen's side to pull a chair for her but lowers his eyes at the floor as soon as he meets her amazed gaze. ''...Thank you, uncle.'' Her gentle voice instantly brings a gentle smile on his coarse face.

However, this informal reunion hasn't been left unnoticed by Guy of Lusignan, who clearly dissatisfied with their reconciliation speaks up to interrupt their peaceful moment: ''My queen, you must be very proud of your uncle. Thanks to him you are a queen now.''

''I'm a queen consort, not a sole monarch, but I'll admit that I'm grateful to the count of Tripoli for introducing the king to me. It was his stories about our king's great achievements and adventures that sparked a growing affection for my husband.''

''I hope you are aware, unlike others in this hall, of the fact that Tiberias and the king share the same ancestors. His grandparents are actually the king's great-grandparents. That would mean you, my queen, and his majesty are related by blood.'' A wave of whispers spreads across the hall, disrupting the jolly ambiance.

Archbishop Heraclius chokes on his drink as such a controversial issue as consanguinity is too sensitive to be discussed after the recent case of the previous king. William of Tyre, sitting opposite him, with a frown observes Guy of Lusignan, hoping this provocation won't lead to another marriage annulment.

''Seems like you haven't been told everything about my family. Lord Tiberias is my godfather but we do not share the same blood.'' With that said the queen sends him a broad but ironic smile.

Abashed Guy turns to Sibylla for help in that humiliating blunder. ''You didn't know, my dear?'' - replies sarcastically princess who disobliges his sulky expression and continues leisurely eating her meal.

As if it wasn't enough of unpleasant encounters, drunk Raynald of Chatillion trudges toward the royal couple and points his goblet at them, spilling the wine around him. ''The groom shall kiss the bride!''

The noblemen sitting at the end of the hall begin cheering on Baldwin and lady (Y/N) more and more louder while knocking on the tables. In this hectic moment the king and the queen lock their eyes in puzzlement. ''What shall I do?'' - whispers restless lady (Y/N) as she inclines her head in his way.

''Do what you feel is right.''

Ruminatively, the queen purses her lips before she makes a bold move, though with hesitation. A soft peck is left on Baldwin's cheek and at once the great hall resounds with a round of thunderous applause and finger whistling. Only the closest relatives of the king remain speechless, exchanging looks of disbelief. Yet it is Baldwin who is the most stunned of all of them. He doesn't move a muscle as his mind is preoccupied with the image of heavily blushing queen (Y/N), whose heart pounds loudly as well.

''It doesn't count!'' Lord Raynald barely can speak with his relentless hiccup. ''Do it right! On the lips!''

''Hush your mouth!'' - growls his wife, Stephanie of Milly, who follows his steps just to bring him back to their table. ''Your majesty, please forgive him, one little sip of wine can make him tipsy in a second.'' Just as lady Stephanie pushes back her rowdy husband, a sudden wave of nausea makes her lean down with one hand over her mouth.

Witnessing it, concerned queen (Y/N) calls her chief lady-in-waiting. ''Lady Elvira, please take this noblewoman somewhere safer. I've noted earlier that she hasn't been well recently.''

''That's because she is pregnant.'' Astonished queen (Y/N) abruptly looks up at Elvira standing by her side. ''Pregnant women tend to be sensitive to some strong scents. You'll understand it once it comes the time for your pregnancy.''

Lost in her thoughts, queen (Y/N) takes a glimpse at Baldwin, who sensing her pensive stare on him, faces his wife with wonderment. ''...My lady?''

The moment their eyes meet, (Y/N)'s face turns bright red and swiftly she picks up her almost empty goblet to sip the last drops of the juice. ''Ah, it's so hot here.'' - murmurs uptight queen (Y/N), fanning herself with her hand.

Just as Baldwin raises to his feet, his groomsman, alarmed to see the king already leaving the feast, gets up as well to assist him to the royal chambers, but their way is blocked by Tiberias who grasps the king's arm and in a hushed tone asks restively: ''My lord, what about the queen?''

''Get the bride ready for the night. Once the queen is prepared bring her over to my bedchamber.''

''Yes, my lord.'' Tiberias nods knowingly at Elvira, who steps forward to announce to the public: ''The king and the queen are taking their leave to the bedchamber but the celebration is not over. So please enjoy the grand feast!''

In the company of her ladies-in-waiting the queen heads to the king's private bathroom where awaits her the preparation for the wedding night. 

At first she takes a bath in a round bathtub filled with steaming hot water and plenty of rose petals

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At first she takes a bath in a round bathtub filled with steaming hot water and plenty of rose petals. Every inch of her skin has to be thoroughly cleaned before applying a moisturizing body lotion with a light passion fruit fragrance. Her long hair after being several times rinsed with rose water has rubbed in various nourishing oils with flowery aroma. All ladies are fussing over the queen as if they are attending a rite with an angel-like bride in the spotlight. After toweling in a rush, Elvira helps lady (Y/N) to pull a chemise on her.

''Where are the rest of my robes?'' - asks queen (Y/N) when she wraps a thick blanket reaching her ankles around her shoulders.

''M'lady, those are everything you need to wear tonight.''

''But this lingerie seems to be a little transparent...''

''It was specially chosen by princess Sibylla. I must say the queen looks truly phenomenally.'' Smiling fondly at the queen, Elvira adjusts the beige cloth over (Y/N)'s head so no one can take a peek at the bride and her special attire beside the king. ''M'lady, are you ready for your wedding night?''


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