Part 3

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''Come forward.'' A nasal yet velvety voice comes from the depth of the large chamber. Behind some layers of purple and a bit transparent curtains sits a man wearing a hooded cloak instead an elegant crown like lady (Y/N) has imagined at first. ''How was the feast? Did you like it?'' - asks Baldwin as he gets up and draws back his hood.

Seeing that the king with leaden steps heads in her way, lady (Y/N) immediately lowers her head and gracefully curtsies with knees deeply bent. ''Thank you, my lord, for inviting me to dinner. I finally had the chance to taste the local cuisine and I already took a liking to it.''

''I'm glad that you enjoyed it.'' Lady (Y/N) discreetly looks up at the king standing in front of her with his hands joined behind his back. ''I assume you must be surprised that the wedding will be earlier. I apologize for bringing the wedding forward without your consent first.''

''Please don't apologize, my king. I trust your decision was for the good of us.'' It saddens the king that lady (Y/N) still keeps her head lowered like a humble vassal so he gently raises her chin to make her look at him. The moment the lady lifts her eyelids, his heart flutters at the sight of her angelic eyes showing kindness and innocence. ''There's no reason to be so nervous. You're in your castle now. Remember, Jerusalem is your home.'' In reply lady (Y/N) smiles warmly at him and lightly blushes. ''Do you play?'' - asks Baldwin as he points at the chessboard.

''Oh, it's been such a long time since I played it.'' With joy sparkling in her eyes, lady (Y/N) without hesitation takes a seat at the oaken table and curiously examines the wooden chess pieces but particularly one of them catches her fancy.

''The queen...'' - murmurs thoughtfully Baldwin, watching his betrothed fiddling with a carved figure of a woman.

''When I was little, I used to keep the queen close to the king. Although he had many other pawns around, I had a feeling that he was lonely.'' Lady (Y/N) tilts her head, staring pensively at the pawns, but she quickly brightens up and adds with a chuckle: ''Maybe because of his solemn visage.'' Then she makes a move on the chessboard and happily exclaims: ''Checkmate!'' Her radiant smile makes him smirk and not averting his gaze from her, he leans forward to rest his arm on the edge of the table.

Both of them abruptly turn in the way they hear a stomp right behind the closed door. ''Come in!'' - calls out Baldwin.

''My king.'' The same servant from before escorts to the king's chamber three another minions and quickly leaves.

Baldwin looks back at his guest and says: ''I called for them to help you in preparations for the coronation. Those are the executive chef, my private tailor, and lady Stephanie of Milly, your mentor who will advise you in all matters related to the ceremony.''

''Ah, I'm so happy.'' - says cheerfully the tailor. ''I can finally sew something else than male robes. I assure you, my lady, I will create a magnificent dress the entire Jerusalem has never seen before.'' He bows down in the most distinguished way he could do as if he's already paying tribute to a queen.

''Oh, just imagine how much more work we will have when royal offspring will come into the world.'' - says the elderly cook, grinning broadly at the royal couple. ''The castle will be filled with happiness once again.''

''You fool!'' - reprimands him in a subdued voice lady Stephanie. ''Don't speak when you're not permitted to!'' Then she turns back to the king's betrothed. ''Please forgive him. He doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut. I'll make sure he learns a lesson.''

''Please don't, lady Stephanie. Let them have a jolly time since a grand day is coming.'' Astonished lady Stephanie glances questionably at Baldwin, who faintly shakes his head as a sign for her not to comment lady (Y/N)'s benevolence which is a rare trait among noblemen within the castle.

''Then I shall begin with a quick introduction to our royal customs.'' - says a little discomposed lady Stephanie as she proceeds to her lecture that happens to be longer than it was planned. Baldwin remains seated to keep his future wife company but he also starts to yawn. He peeks at lady (Y/N) only to notice that she has already fallen asleep with her head resting on her hand, making it look like she's still listening with her eyes closed. ''My lady, do you prefer maids from our court or from your homeland? My lady?''

''She is sleeping.'' - says softly Baldwin as he tenderly moves a strand of her silky hair aside and leans closer to take a better look at her refined facial features. When his finger trails down her cheek, on the lady's lips shows up a faint smile.

''Well, I will call for someone to take her to her chamber.''

''I can take her.''

''Oh, no, no! It is inappropriate for you, my king, to enter her chamber at this hour. Please wait for me.'' With that said she rushes outside for a few minutes. Baldwin at this time gets up to catch lady (Y/N) before she slips down from the chair. Fortunately, she lands into his arms and Baldwin carefully picks her up.

''My lord!'' Tiberias storms inside the chamber and at once takes lady (Y/N) from his arms. ''Let me do it.''

Baldwin doesn't take his sad eyes off the lady as he'd like to do it himself so he would prove it that he isn't as weak as others believe he is

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Baldwin doesn't take his sad eyes off the lady as he'd like to do it himself so he would prove it that he isn't as weak as others believe he is. ''Be careful not to wake her up.''

''Yes, my lord.'' Tiberias looks for one more time at the king, who seems to be more attached to the future queen than he expected.

When Tiberias leaves the king's chamber, he passes by a couple of bystanders. ''Seems like the king has tried to make the first move. I don't even want to ask what she had seen that it made her faint.'' - comments sarcastically Guy of Lusignan and chortles, but Tiberias only sends him a glare in response. After Tiberias disappears in the neighboring bedchamber, he mutters under his nose: ''Let's see how long she will stay here.'' And with a malicious smirk on his face, he heads to his own chamber.

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