Part 13

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King Baldwin and Queen (Y/N) are still in their tenacious embrace when one maid warily inclines her head between the slightly opened door wings and gasps in wonderment before swiftly retreating with new gossips to spread. Even so, neither she nor anyone else dares to interrupt the royal couple's affectionate moment.

Clutching his weeping beloved to his chest like a hallowed treasure too vulnerable for this fickle world, the king after a while speaks up soulfully: ''I feared that my appearance was the cause of your miserableness.''

''Oh, my dearest love, I was just overwhelmed when I found out we had consummated our marriage.'' With that said, lady (Y/N)'s cheeks turn deep pink as she bits her lower lip in sheepishness.

Abashed Baldwin loosens his clasp on her to deliberately raise to his feet with the help of his wife. ''I will never forgive myself for letting that wicked potion take control over my mind as well my body to make me touch you against your will.''

''I don't hold any grudges against you, my dear. We both fell for that impious scheme.''

Despite being placated with a tender smile, Baldwin detects in her narrowed eyes rue. ''Then what is troubling you?''

Lady (Y/N) dully lowers her eyelids, averting his perspicacious stare. ''When I was being examined this morning, the midwife told me that I cannot get pregnant. Though I hadn't given it a thought before, it peculiarly saddened me.''

Baldwin moves a strand of his wife's hair behind her ear and leans in to ask meekly: ''Would you truly like to have a child?''

''Y-Yes. But remember you have a nephew, your heir. I'll treat him like my own. So there's nothing to worry about.''

''My beautiful (Y/N).'' He then cups the lady's face to leave a peck on her forehead. ''As a leper I couldn't hope for getting married or have any heir. So, long before meeting you, I chose to live a chaste life and thus devout it entirely to the kingdom. But I defied my own vow, I sinned.'' Lowering his voice, he closes the gap between them. ''...I fell in love with an angel.''

''Baldwin...'' In this ardent moment the queen can't help but seal the king's lips with her own in a momentary yet so blissful kiss.

''Don't. You might contract leprosy.'' Despondent Baldwin walks away to take a seat on the chaise lounge and in aggravation clenches his fists, digging the nails into his flesh to stem the arousing lust within him. ''...That's for your own sake...''

Nevertheless, lady (Y/N) doesn't defer to his unassailable belief, she crouches by the king's side and says fondly: ''My dear, your leprosy won't stop me from loving you.''

''I know you'd go through fire and water for me but I cannot allow my precious wife to suffer just like me. I've already caused you enough of tribulations and yet you're still with me, for what I'm eternally grateful.''

Though his gritty words have made her feel a stab of sorrow, the queen resolves to just grin and bear it. ''...I will finish cleaning your wounds.'' Desolately, lady (Y/N) proceeds with her tasks, now even more hellbent to ameliorate her husband's health. As a child she spent a good deal of time on cultivating her knowledge about herbs and medical treatment under the tutelage of her mother.

''Where did you learn it?'' - asks captivated by her proficiency Baldwin, finally breaking the glum silence.

''My mother is a scholar of medicine. When I was a child, she used to take me to hospitals and teach me how to take care of lepers.''

''So that's why you don't detest me.''

''Possibly. My mother believes that every illness has a cure, it's just mankind hasn't found one for leprosy yet. So let's not lose hope.'' Her mouth forms into a beam that instantly brings felicity to the king's heart.

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