Part 7

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King Baldwin stares melancholy at the silver mask in his firm hold glistering in the first rays of dawn before he cautiously puts it on his freshly bandaged face. Royal physicians bend their heads respectfully and in a rush take a leave, passing by Tiberias who has just came to assist the king in the final preparations. ''My king...'' A faint smile shows up on his dry lips at the sight of Baldwin already wearing glamorous wedding robes embellished with golden ornaments. ''Who would have thought this day would actually come?'' In reply he hears a quiet snort.

''Even I wonder whether it's a dream.'' - mutters Baldwin as he stands in the arched entrance to the terrace, gazing upon Jerusalem.

''First guests have already arrived. My lord, it's time to head out now.''

On the way to the great hall, the king takes a glimpse at the door leading to lady (Y/N)'s bedchamber that is now completely silent since his betrothed has been taken earlier to a separate residence, where she is currently being dressed up by maids. With her melancholy eyes set on the sunrise, lady (Y/N) pensively twiddles with the ring gifted by countess Agnes, while ladies-in-waiting are busy with adorning her tied-up hair with diamond-like head chains and gold pins. ''You look like a goddess, m'lady.'' - flatters her Elvira, leaning down to glance in a round mirror on the table. Yet lady (Y/N) doesn't utter a word as she's viewing her own reflection with disquietude. Before her eyes is a buoyant woman about to receive a crown but not aware of a bit blurred dark mist out of nowhere showing up in the background. Just as Elvira speaks up again, the spine-chilling image turns out to be one of royal servants bringing a veil, the last piece of the masterpiece.

Countess Agnes, who is here in lady (Y/N)'s mother stead, clasps her hands together, watching with admiration the bride. ''There it is, the future queen of Jerusalem.''

Walking through the corridor, lady (Y/N) sees awed royal servant deeply bowing down to express their respects, what makes her feel more discomposed. Outside the gates waits a large crowd of peasants, cheering louder when she makes her first appearance in public. The festivity begins with a buzzing parade, leaded by four pageboys holding flags with the kingdom's emblem. Then after them ambles the royal bride secured by the best king's knights from both sides. Flower crowns and petals are thrown under her feet, excited kids jump and wave at the royal retinue, some bystanders ask for a blessing which isn't ignored by the queen-to-be who welcomes them like her long time not seen acquaintances. After almost an hour they reach the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where already is awaiting her the king. At a slow pace lady (Y/N) walks down the aisle accompanied by little girls carrying the long tail of her gown, while the royal family members are intently watching her every step. Unlike the townsfolk, she's greeted with their distant and judging looks. Even so, her beam doesn't fade away but only intensifies the moment she spots the groom. Baldwin, standing motionless on the dais, can't take his eyes off the bride in a magnificent raiment.

''My king...'' - says softly lady (Y/N), performing an elegant curtsy.

''M-My l-lady...'' Although it barely ever occurs, the king tends to stammer when he feels abashed. In defiance of his angst of possibly daunting the future consort by it, lady (Y/N) smiles encouragingly, lifting her hand for him to hold, which he accepts without hesitation.

 In defiance of his angst of possibly daunting the future consort by it, lady (Y/N) smiles encouragingly, lifting her hand for him to hold, which he accepts without hesitation

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The sunlight coming through the upper window illuminates the bride, whose attire seems to be more glimmering now, creating in some respects a reverential impression. From the very beginning the resplendent grand ceremony appears to be like a divine ritual attended by both humans and celestial beings. The church choir is singing in angelic voice followed in the meantime by tiny bells ringing tranquilly, lots of tall candles are brightening all corners of the sacred building, majestic banners are hanged above the hall at the end of which are displayed bronze bough pots filled with different types of flowers and exotic plants.

The Latin patriarch of Jerusalem, Amalric of Nesle, then takes a stand before them when it's time for the most important part. ''Your Majesty, do you agree to take the most illustrious lady (Y/N) of Byzantium, here present, to be your lawful spouse?''

''I do.'' - answers in a little hoarse voice Baldwin.

''Most illustrious lady, do you agree to take the most noble lord Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, here present, to be your lawful spouse?''

Just as lady (Y/N) turns to the groom, her cheeks at once turn more pink than the applied light blush. ''...I do.''

Thereafter on a velvet cushion are handed to the royal couple two gold rings with names engraved on them. Baldwin, taking one, solemnly declares: ''I, king Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, take you lady (Y/N) to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, for fairer or fouler, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us depart, according to God's holy ordinance, and thereunto I plight you my troth.''

After exchanging wedding vows, the king carefully flips the veil back and gradually leans down to gingerly press the silver lips of his mask to lady (Y/N)'s each one cheek and next on the forehead right between eyebrows, causing her heart skip a beat

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After exchanging wedding vows, the king carefully flips the veil back and gradually leans down to gingerly press the silver lips of his mask to lady (Y/N)'s each one cheek and next on the forehead right between eyebrows, causing her heart skip a beat. Baldwin pauses for a moment, when he notices how close they are, and locks eyes with (Y/N) as if the Cupid's charmed arrow has just made its way to his heart through massive walls of distrust and distance, releasing the oppressed feelings.

''I now pronounce you king Baldwin IV and lady (Y/N) of Byzantium, husband and wife. Long live the king, long live the queen!''

''Long live the king!! Long live the queen!!'' The entire hall reverberates with loud cheers, while king Baldwin IV and his adorable wife stand side by side, facing their subjects.

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