Part 2

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The king is already on the way to the great hall when at the entrance he's stopped by his sister, Sibylla, who with a concerned look in her eyes asks: ''Brother! Is it true? That you plan to get married?''

Baldwin sighs tiredly before he shortly replies: ''Yes, it's true.''

''But what about your nephew? You remember that you promised to make him your heir, don't you?''

''Is it all you care about? A throne?'' His sudden cold tone has sent shivers down her spine.

''N-No, of course no, my brother-''

''I'm very busy right now so if you excuse me...'' Baldwin takes a step aside and leaves his speechless sister to attend the feast.

The moment the king arrives at the gathering everyone stands up and turns in his way. Baldwin looks around the place, searching for one particular person, and his gaze softens when he spots lady (Y/N) standing by her uncle's side. Sibylla and her husband have also came but their seats are on the other side of the hall, far away from Tiberias. ''I find it truly unbelievable that there's someone willing to marry that leper.'' - murmurs Guy of Lusignan to his wife.

''Mind your words, my dear. You're still talking about my brother.'' Sibylla glances at the lady that Baldwin can't take his eyes off and narrows her eyes suspiciously. ''I guess we all know what she came for.''

''The reason why we've gathered here is to celebrate the great news I'm bringing you. I hereby declare that I've decided to get married.'' - imperially declares Baldwin. ''Now I shall present to you all my betrothed, Lady (Y/N) of Byzantium.'' He raises his arm toward lady (Y/N), who surprised to be called, lowers her head in shyness while others are giving her a loud applause.

''My king!'' - interrupts a noble man, sitting at the same table as Sibylla and her husband. ''I'm truly happy for you, sire, but I'm afraid that this decision was made too soon.''

''He's right!'' - adds Guy. ''His majesty didn't even consult this matter with his sister.''

''The king doesn't need your permission to get married!'' - shouts someone from the opposite way.

''How can we even know if she's suitable for this grand position?'' - asks one of Guy's supporters.

As others continue arguing, now even louder, the king raises his hand and Tiberias, the only one to notice that sign, shouts: ''Quiet!!!''

The king gets to his feet and at an easy pace moves toward his public to be better seen and heard. The flames of candlesticks reflecting in his silver mask gives a spine-chilling impression as well makes him look phenomenal. ''This marriage is our chance to strengthen the alliance with the Byzantine Empire. It's what the kingdom needs the most at the moment. As for lady (Y/N), I shall verify it myself whether she is or not competent to become a queen.''

Yet there are still some unpersuaded knights. ''But my king-''

''The matter is already settled.'' - interrupts sharply Baldwin. ''The wedding ceremony will be hold on Sunday.'' Silence fills the entire hall as noblemen are exchanging surprised looks. Everyone is in a daze but the most shocked is Sibylla, whose cup slips out of her hands and lands on her knees, spilling the drink on her ostentatious dress.

To break the tense atmosphere, Tiberias grabs his goblet and exclaims: ''Let's raise a toast to the soon-to-be married king. Long live the king!''

''Long live the king!'' - the crowd cheers

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''Long live the king!'' - the crowd cheers.

Lady (Y/N) then notices Sibylla intensively observing her so in reply she smiles kindly but the princess with a visible grimace on her face immediately looks down at her plate, completely ignoring the lady. Other guests on Sibylla's side behave in a similar way, giving her cold glances full of envy. Even though it makes (Y/N) feel a bit uneasy, she acts unbothered as she peacefully continues her dinner.

Soon after the feast has begun, Baldwin suddenly takes a leave, which isn't left unnoticed by lady (Y/N). ''He's leaving already? He hasn't even had a single bite.''

''The king never eats in someone's presence.'' - calmly replies Tiberias, chewing a piece of bread. ''But he'd be glad to know that his future queen cares about his well-being.'' When lady (Y/N) looks worriedly in the way Baldwin has left, a knight discreetly comes over to Tiberias and whispers something into his ear. ''My lady.'' - says in a hushed tone Tiberias, slightly leaning toward her. ''The king wants to see you now.''

Lady (Y/N) looks questionable at her uncle, who gives her an encouraging nod, and (Y/N) obediently gets up. She can feel her heart beating fast as she follows a royal servant to the king's chamber. The echo of laughs, clangs of goblets, and joyful folk songs coming from the feast gradually fades away, the hallway becomes less lighted with torches as there are less of them but more with the moonlight peeking between the pillars. ''My king, lady (Y/N) of Byzantium has arrived.'' - announces the servant and opens the door for (Y/N), who hesitates to enter the chamber. ''My lady?'' He tilts his head in confusion, seeing her troubled look.

''You're not coming with me?''

''No, my lady. The king wants to see only you.''

''But it is not proper for a lady to stay with a man alone at night.''

The man chuckles at her innocent reaction and says: ''My lady, you're betrothed to the king. There's no need to be so shy.''

Lady (Y/N) reluctantly steps inside the chamber and right after she gets there, the door behind her are locked.

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