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"But Tuesday night is Halloween. Won't Bean want to trick-or-treat in Janesboro instead of bringing fish to me?"

It was the following Friday, and an exhausted Bean was already asleep in his booster seat after pizza and an epic night playing in the pool. Harry leaned in my window, resting crossed forearms on the sill, speaking softly so as not to wake my brother.

It was hard to concentrate, with his face so close to mine, but I managed.

"No, he decided not to this year. He said that one too-much-candy tummy ache in a week is enough."

"I can't argue with that. Your party is tomorrow night at Andy's house, right?"

"That's right. We'll all be there by seven o'clock. I wish you could come, but unless you wear a serious costume, and take off all your rings, and use a fake voice, well..."

"Are Bean's friends really that likely to recognize me?"

"There'll be parents too, and at least one serious fan. She's thirteen and hardcore. Her mother's the one I saved you from in the store when I sent you out the back door. They're both awful and could be a problem."

"Ah. But if I did find a way to come?"

"You're welcome to join us. If you think you'll be safe from Michelle and her mother. Text me when you get there so I'll know it's you. You won't be the only one well-disguised."

Taking my hand from the steering wheel, he squeezed it. The soft, warm pressure of his touch sent a subtle thrill through me.

"I'll see you tomorrow night, Alex."

He backed away from the car, and was still watching us when I looked in the rearview mirror before turning down the drive.


The next day dawned clear and cool. It would be a beautiful night for a bonfire on the beach. Bean came with me to the store in the morning, where he diligently swept the sidewalk and dusted inside before retreating to his play space. We went straight to Andy's after closing up for the day.

"Mom says you've got a new tab open, for the folks at Maiden Point?"

"We do. They're nice guys, just looking for privacy."

"I see them walking and jogging, sometimes just one or the other, sometimes both. Are they a couple?"


"The big one's kind of hairy, but not ugly..."

"I can ask him if he's single and gay the next time I see him." I thought I sounded sarcastic, but evidently not enough.

"Seriously? You would?" Andy had been single for a while, and it showed.

"Oh my god, if you think George is hot then do some yardwork the next time he runs by and see if he checks you out. I'm absolutely not going to ask for you. He's been around both times we've gone for dinner and a swim, but we're not at the 'Oh, by the way are you single and gay?' point yet." Oh, damn, I hadn't really meant to tell him about our visits to Maiden Point.

"What? You went there for dinner and a swim? Twice? Tell tell tell!"

"It was really just Ha- Mr. Selley being nice to Bean. He's got this heated pool and wanted to thank me for getting him fish from the pier and bringing it up to the house now and then. It wasn't a big deal."

"Did they swim with you?"

"Mr. Selley did."

"Did he wear his hat and sunglasses and scarf in the pool?"

The Maiden in Winter // Harry Styles Series #4Where stories live. Discover now