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"What are you thinking about today?"

"Alex, Bean, frustration, impatience, fear, desire, love, work, the future..."

I could go on, but she stops me.

"Slow down, Harry. Take a breath."

I breathe.

"Did you ask Alex to move in with you?"


"Did she answer?"

"Not yet."

"And you're frustrated?"


"Does she know about the house?"

"I told her that I've extended the lease, and that I've taken the two cottages for the summer."

"I see. So she knows that you're planning to start working again?"


"That's good. Do you have a plan to tell her the rest?"

"Not yet. It's not a done deal, and if she decides not to move in..."

"Have you thought about that? What will happen if she says no?"

"Of course I have."

She's giving me that raised eyebrows, head tilted a bit forward look. That 'Come on, Harry, don't give me that bullshit' look.

"I have! Not nearly as much as thinking about what will happen if she says yes, but I have. I've been considering contingency plans. If Janesport isn't- " Bloody hell I don't like thinking this, much less saying it, but it's Leigh, so... "If Janesport isn't the place for me to be, I have other options."

"Ok, I'm glad you're not putting all your eggs in one basket. Remember to look for balance. Work toward your goal but don't get tunnel vision."

"Yes ma'am."



The next Thursday he told me that he wanted to take me out to dinner, but the place he wanted to go was too far for a weeknight, so he was thinking about Saturday.

Friday evening, after Bean was asleep, he allowed as how it was far enough that we'd be away overnight. Could I ask Ed and Lizzy to take Bean?

"Sure, but where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. All you need is an overnight bag and comfortable clothes. Loungewear. You could even go in your pyjamas, if you'd like. We'll be back Sunday afternoon, and it'll be just us. Well, Fred will be coming with us, but just for the actual traveling bit. He's got his own little place just a few minutes from mine."

"I thought we were going out for dinner? I can't wear pyjamas for that."

"We're going somewhere else, but having dinner in. You'll see. Trust me."

"Ok, but I'm not getting in the car in my pyjamas. I draw the line there. How about yoga pants and a big sweatshirt?"

"As long as it's the dark grey ones with the purple stripes down the sides. They're very fetching." He gave me an exaggerated wink.



(text from Anne to Harry)

Call me. Not urgent, but call me.

The Maiden in Winter // Harry Styles Series #4Where stories live. Discover now