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There were more crying baths after I kissed Ian.

I kept reminding myself that whatever had driven Harry away couldn't have been my fault. That it had something to do with Olivia. My emotions, however, were sorely bruised and not exactly rational. We'd only known each other a few months, I told myself. He was A-List and I was small town. How could it have been more than a passing thing? Had we jumped of the L-word cliff too soon?

No. That was real. And when I thought about the love, that's when the tears would fall. I allowed it to happen, understanding that it let me focus on Bean and the store when I wasn't sniffling in the bathtub.

And Bean needed me. Bean missed Harry, was confused by his absence, and of course he knew I was sad. He finally brought it up the week after Memorial Day.

"Alex, why doesn't Harold like us anymore? Did we do something wrong?"

"No, buddy, we didn't. Maybe the vacation he was taking when he first got here is over, and he's working again. Maybe he needs peace and quiet to write songs. People know he's living here now, and maybe it's easier for him to stay private if he doesn't come to the store or have us over there. I think his life is pretty complicated."

"But he's your boyfriend, and my friend, and boyfriends and friends talk to each other, even when they can't be together. When Uncle Andy went away to Florida last year to help people after the hurt-i-cane we still talked to him a lot."


"That's what I said, hurt-i-cane. And I miss swimming and movies in the loft and spending the night. Being with Ed and Lizzy and Uncle Andy is nice, but not as much fun as Harry. We haven't done anything fun in ages."

He was right. Life had seemed very routine and even boring lately. Work, school, home. The initial flurry of interest from my friends after Bean's birthday video had dissipated when nothing new emerged. Ed took Bean to baseball, and I just hadn't felt like going to the YMCA pool. I'd been focusing on the General and little else. That wasn't fair to my little brother.

"I'll tell you what, why don't we go to Boston next week, after school lets out?"

It was early enough in the season that the store wasn't likely to be too busy; Lizzy and Andy could cover it, and I knew they'd be happy to see me and Bean getting out and enjoying ourselves.

"We can make a long weekend of it. I bet we could do a tour of Fenway Park, and maybe see a Tea Party reenactment, and there are museums you might like, too. What do you think?"

"Could we go to Legoland?"

"Sure. Maybe we could find a new set to work on. A big one. Maybe even... Hogwarts?"

"Yessss! You're the coolest sister ever!"


That week was better. With plans to make and something to look forward to, the days passed quickly, and Bean's growing excitement was infectious. I'd splurged on the accommodations, booking us a suite for three nights at a hotel overlooking the seaport, and reserved our ballpark and tea party excursions. It might not be quite as impressive as a whirlwind trip to England on a private jet, but I hoped it would be a memorable trip for Bean nonetheless.

The weather was gorgeous on the day before we left, and the kids were keyed up as they got off the bus in front of the store, celebrating the end of the school year. A noisy little group came in. It was the first time Michelle had shown her face there since the New Year's Eve incident.

"Hi Alex," she said with tenuous bravado.

"How've you been, Michelle?"

"Great! I'm going to see David Kushner in Boston next Thursday. He's soooo cute, don't you think? He's, like, the hottest young artist right now." She stopped, giving me a sly side eye, before continuing. "But you might be a little old to appreciate him."

The Maiden in Winter // Harry Styles Series #4Where stories live. Discover now