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(phone call to Jeff)

"We just got to Mum's. She said there are already people snooping around town, hoping to see me. I'm going to go out with Alex tomorrow, to the spot by the river. No one knows about it, no one will see us."

"Be careful, H. The only photos of you I want out there are the ones we plan, and I'm concerned about you being seen with Alex."

"I know. We'll be careful. We've been talking a little about what could happen if we were seen together. I'm not sure she's quite ready, that she understands what it might mean. But it's going to happen. I want it to happen. She's different, this is different."

"You keep saying that. I'm looking forward to meeting her. Getting a feel for who she is and what she wants."

Sometimes he can be a real asshole.

"Did it ever occur to you that she might not 'want' anything but to be with me? She's not a climber, she's not looking for exposure or press or my money. You'll see."

Why is it so hard for him to take Alex as she is? At least Mum and Gemma like her, they'll have her back if he's a problem.

"Maybe Glenne can get her alone and dig a bit, talk to her woman to woman, you know."

Ok, now I'm angry.

"Maybe you can just let her be and enjoy my fucking birthday. That is why you're coming... isn't it?"

"Ok, ok. We'll be in around noon on Thursday, get a little rest at the hotel, and be at Anne's by six o'clock. Be careful on your outing."

"I will. You have my word. See you Thursday night."



George, who was leaving us to visit family in London and enjoy a few weeks somewhere warm, handed us over to Fred at the airport.

Fred was fair where George was swarthy, outgoing from the start, and dashingly handsome. He treated Bean and me as though we'd all known each other forever. He even seemed prepared for the Beanstorm that hit him as soon as we were on the road.

"Are you and George twins? Like the Weasleys? You don't talk the same or look alike, but twins can look different. They can even be a boy and a girl, like the Fitzgeralds at school. I think you're taller than George, but he might have more muscles. Does it always rain in England? We came down through the clouds and it was bumpy but I wasn't scared or sick. I got sick once on a boat but not in an airplane. Harold said you're going to come back to Janesport with us. I'll miss George but you and I can be friends, too."

"No, George and I aren't twins. We speak differently because he's from London, in the south, and I'm from Yorkshire, in the north. Like someone from Mississippi would probably speak differently from someone in Massachusetts. I'm sure you and I will become good friends. I understand you like to swim."

"I don't like to swim." Deadpan Bean. I knew what was coming.

"Really?" Fred looked genuinely confused. "George said you were in the pool a lot."

"That's because I LOVE to swim! I fooled you, didn't I?"

Fred's laugh was genuine as he answered, "That you did, my boy."

I sensed the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


I guess I expected Anne's house to be big and fancy, and it's definitely a nice place, but comfortable and understated. We had a suite over the garage, a large sitting area with a cozy alcove under a dormer where Bean would sleep on a blow up mattress, a bedroom for us, and a bathroom. Perfect.

The Maiden in Winter // Harry Styles Series #4Where stories live. Discover now