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"How are you?"

Harry was standing behind me, chin on my shoulder, arms loosely wrapped around my waist. A chilly, but not cold, wind blew off the Mediterranean. The sun that was now setting before us had warmed the day to a comfortable sixty degrees, and the next day was expected to be even more temperate.

"A bit overwhelmed, but happy. I'm glad I'm here." I leaned back into him for a moment before walking to the railing of our room's balcony. "Where is everyone?"

Gemma and Michal, and Michal's family, had all arrived the day before. They had their own guest cottages on the property, while we were sharing the big house with Anne and Darren. We had stopped in Manchester to pick them up on our way.

Large, white, and very modern, the house was exactly what you'd expect of a posh Riviera rental. On either side of the lofty great room, with its glass wall facing the sea, two wings stretched like wide open arms. Each had ground floor guest bedrooms and second floor master suites; Anne and Darren had the west wing to themselves, while Harry and I would be in the east suite.

"Down there, at the beach, do you see?" I looked across the terrace and pool, and down the sloping lawn toward the small crescent of sand nestled in a rocky shoreline. Six figures were silhouetted by deep rose gold sunlight. "They're making plans for tomorrow. Dad'll be here in the morning. He's looking forward to meeting you."

Des had chosen not to stay with us, but I hoped to find a little time to pick his brain the next day. Loving and being loved by Harry, while staying out of the spotlight, couldn't have been easy, and I hoped he could give me some pointers.

"I like this place. It's almost as though I've been here before..." his voice trailed off for a moment before he shook his head and gave me a squeeze. "Look, they're coming back up. Let's go downstairs."

Modern furniture, upholstered in grey and punctuated with pillows in bright colors, was scattered through the open living space. A table with seating for twelve occupied one end, and a large hearth the other, where a crackling fire had been lit by the housekeeper before she left for the night.

Harry made his way to the grand piano tucked in a corner and began to play softly while Michal, Gemma, and I set the table. The parents sat on the terrace by the pool, chatting over drinks.

"Has he said anything to you yet?" Gemma whispered to me.

"No, but you haven't exactly made it obvious."

"Well, that was the plan, so I'm glad it's working. I can't wait to see his face tomorrow."

"It's going to be a good day."

Gemma isn't the most demonstrative person, so when she wrapped me in her arms, I knew what followed was from her heart.

"It is. And I'm so glad you're here. We're all so glad."


Harry seemed antsy as we said goodnight to Anne and Darren after the others had left for their cottages, glancing over his shoulder at his mother's retreating back. I wondered if he was beginning to suspect that there was something more than met the eye happening around him.

Back in our room he stripped, as he usually did before bed, then just as quickly pulled on a pair of sweatpants and went out on the balcony. He was naked again, pacing around the sitting room of our suite when I came out of the bathroom a few minutes later.

"Harry? What's wrong?"

He looked at me, turned back into the bedroom without a word, and came out in the sweats again.

The Maiden in Winter // Harry Styles Series #4Where stories live. Discover now