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"Why don't you sing anymore?"

Why is he always so curious when he should be going to sleep? I promised Alex he'd have a nap after lunch, and I thought for sure a snuggle in the bean bag would do the trick.

"I still sing, just not in front of people." There, that answers the question, right?

"But your job is to sing in front of people. Did you get fired?"

Ouch. "No. I worked very hard, for a long time, and I needed to rest."

"You've been resting for a long time. Alex says if you stop doing something for too long, you might forget how. That's why I practice baseball and soccer all year, so I can be just as good when my teams start again."

Alex isn't wrong. It's been nearly a year since I actually did my job. Funny that I don't miss it more. Well, I don't miss the schedule, or the media. The thrill of performing, on the other hand, that would be nice to feel again.

"I have been practicing, down in the cottage."

"By yourself?"


"But how can you know if you're doing it right if no one is there to hear you? I practice soccer with Alex, and baseball with Ed and Andy, so they can help me be better."

He has a point. I haven't let anyone hear what I'm working on. Maybe it's time. But first I need to get this kid to sleep so he's ready for the game tonight.

"I'll tell you what, the rest of this week is going to be pretty busy, but next week I'll take you down to the studio and you can see what I'm doing down there."

"That would be cool!"

"Good. And now you really need to try and rest so you can be on your a-game tonight." Run my fingers through his hair, that's it. It always works for Alex, with Bean and with me. Ah, there we go, eyes closing.




Use a soft voice, keep it up with the hair. "What?"

"Did you ever sing a lullaby? Will you sing me to sleep?"

Lullaby, lullaby, why can't I remember any right now? Ah!

"I wrote this song for Gemma. It's about a brother and a sister growing up. Close your eyes, and listen..."



I'm Bean's soccer parent. I played through high school and started Bean when he was four. He may not be a star, but he enjoys playing and works hard. Baseball, however, is definitely not my thing. Honestly, I think it's pretty boring. Taking him on the tour of Fenway was fun. Taking him to a game there would have been a true labor of love.

Ed and Andy, on the other hand, are die hard Red Sox fans and play in a recreational league in Janesboro. It was natural for them to introduce Bean to the sport, and they've always been the ones to take him to practice and work with him at home. I'll go to games if I'm not at the store, but it's really his special thing with the Lowells.

The final game of the season, however, couldn't be missed. All three Lowells and Lisha would be there.

With Harry, Fred, and George.

After some debate, we decided that they would join us in the bleachers during the first inning, when most of the crowd's attention was on the field. We'd have to play it all by ear after that. I kept telling myself that it would be fine. He hadn't been seen since Bean's birthday video. Maybe no one was looking for him on the Cape anymore. Maybe no one would notice him at all.

The Maiden in Winter // Harry Styles Series #4Where stories live. Discover now