I. ...Ready for It?

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The kings court was sitting down in the throne room with King Uther and Prince Arthur sitting next to each other. The room was filled with mild chatter but nothing too interesting. That was until an unknown person wearing knights armor walked in. Everyone instantly got on guard, unsure of who this was or what was going to happen.

The knight walked straight up to the thrones the King and Prince were sitting in before taking off the gauntlet and throwing it in front of Arthur.

Uther tried to say something to Arthur but he didn't listen as he picked up the gauntlet, "I accept your duel."

That was when the knight removed their helmet, revealing a woman with long brown hair and blue eyes. Merlin shot up instantly. It hasn't been long since what happened with Morgause challenging Arthur. Gaius puts his hand up, telling Merlin to chill for now.

"Please present your noble scroll," Uther said as he looked at the girl. She felt familiar to him but he didn't quite recognize her.

"Of course," the girl said as she presented her scroll to the King, he took it as she spoke again, "I am Ryia Devereux of Grerin."

Uther looked at her, knowing of that name but not knowing why, "you may stay in one of our rooms until the day of the duel, Guinevere please show her to a room."

"Yes sire," Guinevere says before leading Ryia to a room.

As they got there, Ryia looked around the room in awe before turning to Guinevere and smiling, "thank you for your help, you have been lovely. I don't suppose I could get a candle though? The smell always keeps me calm."

"Yeah definitely," Guinevere said with a smile, "I will be right back with your candle," she then walked out.

Ryia sat next to the window, looking out at the view as she waited for the candle. It was a beautiful view, she could almost see the whole kingdom from there. She smiled as she watched a few children playing together outside. It warmed her heart. Growing up she was alone and didn't have someone to play with. She yearned for the memories those children were making.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted by a knock on the wall as she turned to see a brunette male standing there. "Gwen asked me to drop this off, she got busy with Morgana," he said as he held the candle.

"Oh, thank you, what's your name?" Ryia asked as she walked over to the male before taking the candle with a smile.

"Merlin," he told her as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well it's a pleasure meeting you Merlin," Ryia told him, "thank you for delivering this," she held up the candle, "and please give Guinevere my thanks as well the next time you see her. She is just lovely."

"I will," Merlin told her with a smile, "I should go now," with that he walked off as Ryia sat down on her bed before placing the candle on a table.


After Merlin left the room, he was instantly called over to Arthur who was going into a meeting with his father. The brunette servant followed his prince into the room to see King Uther and the royal researcher.

"I looked into the girl like you asked sire," the researcher said as he saw Arthur walk in. It was clear that they waited for him to start. "Ryia from Grarin was presumed dead four years ago, after she was missing and not found for sixteen years."

"So we could be dealing with an imposter?" Uther asked with a raised brow.

"Or a miracle," the researcher said, "her body was never found. She could be the long lost princess of Grerin but maybe you should send a letter to King Viktor of Grerin and invite him down here to give his input."

The Lost Princess of Grerin || A Merlin AUWhere stories live. Discover now