VII. Bad Blood

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Ryia groaned as she heard a knock on her door, still being half asleep. "Come in," she called out, not bothering to even sit up.

"My apologies if I woke you, Lady Ryia," Guinevere says as she walks into the room.

"You're fine Guinevere and please just call me Ryia, no need for the formalities," Ryia tells her with a bit of a smile as she turns to lay on her side, propping herself up with her elbow, "did you need something."

"Right, Ryia. Umm Uther asked me to take care of you as I do Lady Morgana and that usually involves helping her get ready in the mornings," Guinevere explained.

"I appreciate the gesture but I don't need the help nor do I plan on leaving this bed anytime soon," Ryia explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry to intrude then," Guinevere said before going to leave.

"Gwen," Ryia said, causing the handmaiden to stop in her tracks. This was the first time Ryia has used her nickname, "you are fine really, you're just doing your job and you are doing an amazing job at that."

"Thank you La- Ryia," Guinevere says with a smile, almost tripping up and calling her Lady Ryia.

"Also this is nothing against you," Ryia ensured her, "Gaius told me yesterday to rest because I had exhausted myself too much the day before, I'm deciding to actually listen to him."

"That makes sense," Guinevere says with a nod, "Gaius is quite wise."

"Although I do wish you could have a day to rest with me," Ryia stated with a smile, "lord knows you deserve it. I mean you work countless days with no real breaks."

"I wish I could take you up on that offer," Guinevere says, blushing a bit, "but I should go see if Lady Morgana needs my help."

"I suppose that makes sense," Ryia stated as she smiled at the other women, "I wouldn't want to see you lose your job. I mean it would be a shame not seeing your face around the castle."

"Thank you, and goodbye for now Ryia," Guinevere said, blushing even more as she curtsied before leaving.

Ryia watched as she left before lying back on her bed and staring at the roof with a smile on her face.


"Have either of you seen Ryia?" Gwaine asked as he looked at Merlin and Guinevere.

"No," Merlin said before Guinevere popped up.

"I talked with her this morning," Guinevere informed as the two men looked at her, "she told me she was taking the day to rest like Gaius had told her."

Gwaine narrowed his eyes as he looked at Guinevere, "she's listening to Gaius?" He asked with a bit of suspicion.

"That's what she told me," Guinevere nodded, "why?"

"When we were kids she never listened when her father told her to rest," Gwaine explained only to get confused looks from both Guinevere and Merlin.

"You knew her as a child?" Merlin questioned.

"Right you two weren't there when that was revealed," Gwaine says as he rubs the back of his neck, "yeah we met as kids. We were pretty close actually."

"Makes sense as to why you were so worried about her the other day after," Merlin stated, pausing as he realized Guinevere was there still, "the thing that happened."

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