XI. Bye Bye Baby

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"Come in," Arthur says as he hears a knock on his door. Ryia stirred in her sleep a bit but Arthur was able to shush her back to sleep.

"Your father is wondering why you aren't up yet," Merlin says as he walks in before noticing Ryia cuddled up to the prince, "I see you two made up?"

"Shhh, Merlin keep it down, she's sleeping," Arthur says in whisper, "tell my father that I will be a bit late today."

"He says it's important," Merlin tells Arthur in a whisper, "plus her grandfather sent Gwen to retrieve her from her chambers."

Arthur sighed as he looked at the sleeping girl on his chest, "alright, I'll wake her up and then get ready." Merlin nodded as he walked out, closing the door behind him. Arthur just let out another sigh before lightly shaking Ryia and speaking softly, "Ry, you need to wake up."

Ryia stirred a bit before lifting her head up and looking at Arthur as she rests her chin on his chest, "do I have to?" she said with a pout.

"As much as I wish we could stay in here all day," Arthur said as he tucked a piece of her hair that fell in her face behind her ear, "but my father wants to see me and... your grandfather wishes to see you."

"Right," Ryia said as she sighed as she sat up, looking at the ground. After last night she wasn't sure if she wanted to see her grandfather again.

"Hey," Arthur said as he sat up next to her, touching her arm lightly, "I won't let him hurt you, I promise."

Ryia looked up at him with half a smile, "thank you Arthur."

"We should probably get you to your room so you can get dressed," Arthur told her as he stood up, offering her and hand.

"No need," Ryia said as she took his hand, standing up. Arthur tilted his head at this before her eyes turn yellow and suddenly she is dressed.

"Your magics back?" Arthur asked with a shocked expression.

"Well kind of, I can still only do small spells," Ryia explained as she sat back on the bed, "you should probably get dressed now."

"You can't help me out?" Arthur asked with a raised brow.

"I could but I'd rather watch you get dressed," Ryia said as she tilted her head with a smirk, looking straight at the blonde prince who now had a light blush on his face.


"Where is my granddaughter?" Viktor asked sternly as he looked at Guinevere as she walked in.

"Uh-" Guinevere started to speak, unsure what to say seeing as Ryia wasn't in her room when she went to retrieve her.

"I'm right here," Ryia says as she walks in, looking over at Guinevere with a smile, "thank you again for waking me up and helping me get ready."

Arthur walks in behind her, "father you wanted to see me?"

"Yes," Uther says as he looks at his son for a second before looking at Viktor, "King Viktor and I have been discussing the possible engagements and he has came to a decision," as Uther said this, Arthur and Ryia shared a look.

"Ryia," Viktor says which causes her to look at him, "you are coming back to Grerin to marry Prince Atlas."

"What?" Ryia questioned before looking at Atlas who just mouthed 'sorry' to her.

"You can't do that," Arthur states as he looks at the foreign king.

"I already told you this isn't your choice Arthur," Uther said sternly as he looked at his son.

The Lost Princess of Grerin || A Merlin AUWhere stories live. Discover now