V. Eyes Open

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As Ryia looked around at all the people sleeping she noticed one other who happened to be still awake. She instantly made her way over to them, "Merlin? What happened?"

"I feel like I should be asking you, I mean you are the one with magic," Merlin pointed out, leaving out the fact he has magic himself.

"I did not do this," Ryia told him with an annoyed scoff.

"I don't beli-"

"She's not lying," another females voice cut Merlin off as they both looked over at her, "I did this."

"Why?" Ryia asked as she shared a look with Merlin.

"The better question is why aren't you two affected," the woman asked as she looked between them, "unless you both possess magic?"

"You're a little off there," Ryia stated as she looked at the woman.

"The spell affects all those without magic," the woman informed, "only those with magic are still awake."

"No but-" Ryia cuts herself off as she looks at Merlin who is looking at the ground, "you do have magic."

"I'll leave you two to discuss the betrayal you feel," the woman says with a laugh, "I have a king to kill after all."

Ryia put her hand up as she stopped the woman in place, "I can't let you do that."

"Why are you protecting a king who would have you hung if he learned your secret?" the woman asked in disgust.

"Uther may suck, I wont deny that," Ryia stated as Merlin watched, "but Arthur, he has potential but if magic kills his father, all that potential leaves."

"He is his father's son!" The woman snaps, "he deserves what's coming to him," with that the woman suddenly disappears.

"What happened?" Merlin questioned as he looked at Ryia in concern.

"Teleportation spell," Ryia said with a sigh, "wherever she is, she is weak. That spell drains the user too much." She looked around to think as she noticed someone else missing, "shit, she took Arthur."

"The throne room!" Merlin stated as he looked at Ryia.

"What?" Ryia questioned, not understanding what that has to do with anything.

"She plans to kill Uther, he is in the throne room," Merlin stated.

"We should go there now," Ryia stated as they both began running.


"Stop!" Ryia called out as her and Merlin ran into the throne room, they saw the woman and Arthur asleep on the floor.

"You can't kill them!" Merlin chimes in.

"I'm not going to kill them," the woman said with venom in her voice, "the prince is going to kill his dear father and then be tried for treason. Everyone will believe he did it, even the prince himself. I already put the memory in his head, " the woman made a hand signal and suddenly two sleeping guards grabbed onto Ryia and Merlin. Holding their arms behind their backs which made Ryia drop the spell and Arthur fall back to the floor. The woman quickly started controlling Arthur like a puppet again.

The Lost Princess of Grerin || A Merlin AUWhere stories live. Discover now