X. Enchanted

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"You look lovely," Morgana tells Ryia as she enters the ball.

"Thanks," Ryia tells her with a smile, "this isn't too much right?" she asked worriedly, she was wearing a dark green ball gown and Guinevere had done up her hair and makeup.

"It's just enough," Morgana tells her with a smile, "you're already turning some heads," she motions to the unknown men looking their way.

Ryia looks over at them before quickly looking back at Morgana, "I'm going to convince myself that they are only looking at you and hide in a corner."

Morgana lightly laughs at the other females antics, "have fun, and don't stay in the corner all night."


"Why are you in the corner?" Arthur asked as he walked up to Ryia.

"The thought of getting a lot of attention scares me," Ryia answered honestly.

"But you were willing to challenge me to a duel which got a lot of attention?" Arthur questions with a raised brow.

"That was doing something I am good at, I am not good at people," Ryia stated, "but clearly hiding in the corner isn't enough. I need a better idea."

"You could always pretend to be the help," Arthur said as a joke which made Ryia pop up, "I didn't actually mean that. Ryia where are you going?" He asked as she began to walk away.

"To become a servant," Ryia told him as she walked backwards to leave.


As Ryia got out in the hallway the girl looked around to see the coast was clear. "Okay Gaius said it's all in your head Ryia, you can do this," she told her as she closed her eyes. The girl opened her eyes as they glowed yellow and suddenly her dress changed to look like the ones the handmaidens were wearing, with an apron and everything. "Yes!" the girl cheered before hearing metal hit the floor as she turned around, "Guinevere?!"

"You.. you have magic?" Guinevere asked as she looked at the girl.

"Yes but please don't tell Uther," Ryia pleaded with her.

"Why shouldn't I?" Guinevere asked, "you are dishonest."

"Only because my life is on the line if I'm not," Ryia stated, "please, Arthur knows and he trusts me enough to not tell Uther, I hope you can do the same."

"Wait did you ever actually have a bar fight at the tavern or was that a lie too?" Guinevere asked.

"What bar fight?" Ryia asked, genuinely confused.

"Merlin told me you had to rest because of a bar fight," Guinevere stated, "he knows doesn't he?"

"He does, so does Gwaine and Gaius," Ryia explained with a sigh, "are you going to tell Uther?"

"No, I believe you are good," Guinevere tells her, "although, why did you use your magic to change into that?"

"I want to be less noticeable and everything," Ryia explained, "I'm even willing to act the part."

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