XIV. State of Grace

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"You like what you see?" Lucian jokes as with a smirk he notices Ryia watching the knights practice.

"I'm not seeing much," Ryia comments back with her own smirk, making his fall, "your strategy is lacking a bit."

"You think you can do better?" Lucian questioned with a raised brow. He was leading the practice today to prepare himself for when his father passes off the torch of head guard to him. Ultimately that may not have been the best choice in this instance.

"I really do think I can do better," Ryia said a bit cockily.

Lucian responded by throwing a wooden sword at her, which she caught. "Okay you and me, right here, right now."

"Don't get too cocky, wouldn't want to make a fool of yourself in front of the other knights," Ryia told him with a bit of a smirk as she held up the wooden sword.

Lucian let out a small laughed at her comment before retorting, "you're one to talk, Princess," he then proceeded to lunge at her with his sword.

Ryia blocked his attack as she moved to the side, making him stumble forward a bit. She then lunged to attack which he blocked quickly. The two of them had a bit of back and forward before a deep voice made them both stop.

"What is going on here?" Ryia and all the knights turned to see King Viktor standing there with another man who Ryia didn't recognize. The other man had his eyes glued onto Lucian.

"Just a friendly spare," Ryia told her grandfather as she looked over to Lucian who was shaking his head.

"Ryia, you may have defeated Prince Arthur in a duel but that doesn't make you worthy of being a knight or of interrupting their practice," Viktor told him in a stern tone before looking at Lucian, "as for you-"

"I'm really sorry your majesty," Lucian said as he cut the king off, "I promise-"

"Don't cut me off while I am speaking," Viktor said as his voice got louder, making both Lucian and Ryia jump a bit, "your father convinced me that you were the perfect choice to replace him as head knight. After today, I might rethink that choice."

"King Viktor it was my fault really," Ryia stated, not wanting to ruin Lucian's chance of taking his father's role, "don't blame him for my idea."

"He should have said no to you," Viktor tells her, "instead he was irresponsible with his duties. I can't have that as my head knight."

"Sir I promise he will be a good head knight," the other man finally spoke up, "just let me train him more before you make the decision."

Viktor turns to the other man, "you have a month to prove your son deserves this chance or I'm picking someone new," he said before looking at Ryia, "leave the knights alone, or I'll have to take drastic measures," with that, he walked away.

"Yes Sir," Ryia said as she watched her grandfather walk away before turning to the other man, "sorry, not to intrude but you're Lucian's father?"

"Yes and I'm very busy right now," he told her a bit dismissively.

"I apologize, I'm just trying to meet everyone," Ryia told him awkwardly, "I'm Ryia by the way."

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