VI. Treacherous

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As Ryia woke up she felt something a little harder than a pillow under her head. There was also two things wrapped around her shoulder and waist, holding her in place. The girl was a bit confused as she looked at what she was laying on, a chest. A man's chest at that.

"Arthur?" Ryia questioned as she looked up to see the sleeping prince. She groaned a bit as she looked at what was trapping her. Noticing two arms, but both of them didn't belong to Arthur. Quickly she looked to see who the other belonged to, "Gwaine?"

Ryia put up her arms, using her magic to lightly nudge them. She was a little confused because that was not initially what she planned to use her magic to do. Out of frustration and confusion she started to shake the two men, "Arthur, Gwaine, please wake up."

As the girl shook the two men, Arthur jumped a bit as he fell to the floor, the noise from the thud waking Gwaine up.

"Arthur!" Ryia exclaimed as she quickly got out of the bed, kneeling down to him, "are you okay?"

"I'm uh, fine," Arthur said a bit dismissively, as if there was something he was hiding.

"Arthur it's okay to admit when you aren't okay," Ryia pointed out as she touched his shoulder in concern.

"How are you feeling?" Arthur asked, flipping the conversation onto her, "you should probably get off the floor and sit," he then stood up and offered her a hand.

"I feel physically fine," Ryia states as she takes Arthur's hand and stands up.

"Gaius wanted you to drink this when you woke up," Gwaine spoke up as he handed her the vile, "and please sit, you had me worried."

Ryia sighed as she sat before drinking the vile, "happy?"

"What happened yesterday?" Gwaine asked sincerely, "I mean one second I felt sleepy and then suddenly I woke up and you fell with a nose bleed."

Arthur just gave Ryia a look, not knowing how to answer this. I mean he didn't want to reveal Ryia's secret. Ryia on the other hand just spoke freely, "there was a sorceress who put a sleep spell over Camelot. I used a spell to wake everyone else but I guess it was too strong."

The two boys looked at the girl, concerned that she just revealed her secret to the other one. "What?" The girl asked as she looked between them before realizing and making an 'o' face, "right, ummm you both sort of know."

"He knows?!" Both men ask in unison.

"Gwaine found out when we were kids and he showed up while my father was teaching me," Ryia explained, "and Arthur just short of walked in while I was doing the candle flame thing."

"Does anyone else know?" Gwaine asked with a raised brow.

"No," Ryia said before backtracking, "well, just Gaius and Merlin."

"Merlin?!" Arthur questioned.

"He also walked into me doing the flame thing," Ryia explained.

"What about Gaius?" Gwaine questioned.

"Apparently he knew my father and met my mother when they found out she was pregnant," Ryia explained, "he knew who I was as soon as he saw my grandfather. But it doesn't matter anymore anyway."

"What do you mean by that?" Gwaine asked a bit confused.

"When I first woke up I tried using magic to push you both off the bed," Ryia explained.

"You did what?!" They both ask in unison.

"It didn't work, it only lightly nudged you," Ryia stated, "Arthur you seem a bit distracted, are you sure you're good?"

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