XII. Breathe

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"I'm going to assume you wish to be shown your chambers first," Atlas said, looking over at Ryia as they got out of the carriage.

Ryia looked over at the castle before looking at Atlas, "is there a chance you can show me around instead?" she asked hopefully, "I'm not sure I am ready to settle into a new place yet."

"Yeah definitely," Atlas said with a smile before turning to some of the servants, "please take her things to the room King Viktor wishes for her to stay in," he tells them and they nod as they pick up the bags.

"What would you like me to show you first, the castle or the kingdom?" Atlas asked, looking back at Ryia as the servants walk off.

"I'd love to meet the people of the kingdom first," Ryia tells him with a smile, "I believe they are the most important part of a kingdom, you can't lead with no one following you."

"Has anyone told you that you have a weird way of thinking," Atlas said with a smile as he began leading the way.

"A few people have," Ryia said, smiling as she followed behind.


"Atlas!" A little boy yelled as he ran up to the prince and hugged him, "you've been gone forever," the boy said, being dramatic on the word 'forever'.

"I know, I know," Atlas said with a laugh as he knelt down to hug the boy back. Ryia just smiled as she watched the interaction between them.

The boy then looked over in Ryia's direction for a second before looking back at Atlas as his eyes widen in excitement, "did you finally find a princess?! I know you were really lonely."

Ryia covered her mouth with one hand as she let out a small laugh at the little boys comment. Atlas stood up as he let out a small laugh himself, blushing a little, "Declan meet Ryia."

"Ryia?" An older woman, who was standing there the whole time, took a step forward as she looked at the girl, "as in the lost princess Ryia?"

"Uh," Ryia looked from Atlas to the woman, uncertain of what to say. She doesn't know what these people think of her.

Atlas looked over at Ryia, noticing her freeze up. He took a step closer and lightly touched her arm in a caring way. "She is," he told the woman with a smile.

"So the rumors are true?" The woman asks as Atlas nods. The woman then looked at Ryia and gave a small bow, "it's a pleasure to meet you, I am Serena."

"No please don't feel the need to be so formal," Ryia told the lady, "I'm just like you."

"Right," Serena said with a nod, unsure of how to feel about what the princess said.

"Mommy is that the princess you told me and sister stories about?" Declan asked as he got closer to Serena.

"She is, honey," Serena told her son with a smile.

Declan pops up before yelling out, "Annora! I found the lost princess mommy told us about!"

Ryia's eyes widened as this kid yelled that out, looking around at all the eyes that were now on her.

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