II. Closure

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"My father wishes to see you," Arthur said a bit dickishly as he barged into Ryia's room without knocking.

"Wha-" Ryia said as she looked over at him from where she was laying, she hadn't even woken up yet until this moment.

"It's a little late for you to still be in bed," Arthur pointed out as he rolled his eyes while he crossed his arms.

"I'm sorry, I am not used to this okay?" Ryia asked as she sat up, "now do you mind? I need to get changed," she said motioning to the night clothes she was wearing.

"I don't know, my father did say it was important you may not have time to get changed," Arthur said with a smirk.

"What is so important that they can't wait a few seconds for me to get changed?" Ryia asked as she crossed her arms.

"King Viktor of Grerin is here," Arthur informed her, "he's going to tell us how truthful you really are."

"Well Arthur," Ryia stated with a bit of venom in her voice, "my grandfather has waited 20 years to see me, he can wait a few more minutes. Now will you please give me privacy or do I have to change in front of you now?"

"Fine fine," Arthur said as he walked out of the room and stood outside the door. Ryia walked out a few minutes later in a beautiful purple dress. This shocked him seeing as previously she had refused to wear the dresses Uther had sent to her room. She'd much rather wear pants. Not because she thinks dresses make you weak or lesser but because it was easier to fight in. She actually liked wearing dresses every once and awhile. "You look wow," Arthur muttered out as he saw her.

"Thanks?" Ryia said in a bit of a question, "we should go."

"Right," Arthur said as he led the way, "you seem not as cheery this morning," he decided to make conversation while walking.

"I don't like being woken up," Ryia pointed out, "plus I can tell you don't like me so why keep up the pleasantries?"

"I just don't like liars," Arthur said blankly.

"I assure you I am not a liar," Ryia stated, "if I wasn't who I claim to be, I would have ran off already."

"I suppose that could be true," Arthur said as they reached the door, "after you," he motioned to the door.

"Right," Ryia goes to walk in but freezes as she is about to touch the door.

"What's wrong?" Arthur asked with a raised brow, "scared your lie is about to fall apart?"

Ryia retreats her hand as she looks at Arthur, "it's not that but this was a mistake."

"What do you mean?" Arthur asked, a little concerned and confused.

"What if he blames me for my mother's death?" Ryia stated a little panicky as she looked at the ground, "what if this isn't how I thought reuniting with him would go?"

Arthur hooked his finger under her chin and made her look at him, "it's going to be okay."

"Arthur you wouldn't understand," Ryia said as she sighed, a tear rolling down her face.

Arthur wiped the tear away with his thumb before speaking softly to her, "I do understand, my mother died while giving birth too and I blame myself for it almost everyday, but do you know who doesn't even think to blame for it? My father. I am sure the same is true with your grandfather."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know," Ryia told him with a small smile, "but thank you, you weirdly helped."

"Let's go in there together and if you need anything I'll be right there," Arthur told her as she nodded before opening the door.

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