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I let the door to our room slam shut behind me

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I let the door to our room slam shut behind me. "Good morning Vietnam!" I yell, even though the sun has been high in the sky for hours now. Alyssa threatens to burn me alive as she dives further under the covers. It's not my fault she drank a quart of cheap tequila last night that she then chased with more tequila.

She and Anderson somehow made it back into our room without waking me. I was shocked to see his extra large frame hanging haphazardly off of the futon when I climbed out of my bed this morning. I was extra shocked to see him still sporting his Toga made from a sheet, giving me a view of his penis that I wanted. 

It did, however, answer my question about if Taylor was in fact naked under his pool floats. Unless he owns a skin toned speedo, he had to be. My cheeks involuntarily flush at the thought of his man hood barely hidden beneath cheap green colored plastic. The same way they did the first time my mind drifted there. 

I take a deep breath to try and regulate myself before setting down the coffee and breakfast sandwiches I brought back for the us.

"I come bearing gifts," I say. Alyssa has both feet flat on the floor before I can even announce what said gift is.

"I could smell it from the hallway," she says with a piece of bacon hanging out of her mouth. She finishes off the bagel sandwich in a few huge bites and chugs half a bottle of water before giving me a second thought. 

"What are you doing up and moving this morning?" she asks, wrapping her blanket around herself and cocooning onto the futon. She just shrugs when I mention she's in the exact same spot that Anderson's ass cheeks were a mere two hours ago.

"I didn't drink my weight in a toxic substance last night." I take a seat on the floor and lean against the couch before biting into my own sandwich. "So I've been doing laundry while the rest of our dorm fiends off the shakes." Alyssa shrugs again and then reaches for the coffee sitting on the floor next to me.

"But what time did you get home?" she asks. She covers the rest of her head with her blanket to hide the embarrassment as I inform her that I was in fact already home and in bed when she got back.

"At least you were too drunk to try to have sex," I point out. "I'm already tempted to file a sexual harresment charge againt Anderson for his indecent exposure. I think frisky sex noises coming from him would have be enough to add psycological harrasment to the docket."

"Maybe I should take a page from you and Taylor and never drink again. Ever ever ever." She melts further onto the couch until she's laying down with her face level with mine.

"You will be drunk again tonight," I add. The bye weekend means that Anderson and his group of friends, including Taylor, have their first and only Saturday off the entire season. Alyssa doesn't deny the truth, but instead claims she will only drink half as much tonight.

"It's okay to drink Alyssa, just be smart about it," I say, taking the stance of a concerned roommate that Alyssa then compares to her mom.

"Don't complain if you don't want my comments. You're talking to someone who practically completed the twelve steps. If anything I should be asking you to hide that shit from me." I quickly add, "I'm joking, but seriously be smart." Just in case she can't tell by now that my sarcasm can sometimes be laced with the truth.

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