Start of something new: Chapter 1

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POV Joshua

"Hey dad how was your day" I asked my dad after coming back from school.

"It was good" my dad replied.

"Joshua you know your mum and Jeonghan right?" He said as I was packing my homework.

"Yeah" I replied back.

"I've been thinking of going back to see them would you wanna come?" He asked.

"I don't know" "I kinda wanna stay in LA with friends and also I'm not very good at Korean.

"I mean your Korean is kinda good" my dad told me

"No no no it's really bad" I told my dad.

I went into my room to text my friend Johnny and Aron.

Johnny 😏
"Y'all wanna come to my home tomorrow"

Aron 🐶
"Sure I will beat you in super Mario tho 😋😋😋"

Johnny 😏
"Fuck off no you will lose to the bottom in the ground while I will be Victor!!!"

Joshua 🦌
"Guys I'm so sryy I can't do tomorrow because I have tutoring at 6:30 to 9:00😔😔😔"

Johnny 😏
"Oh it's fine we can do it in another time"

Aron 🐶
"It's fine Joshua but I would wish you watching me beat Johnny suhhhhhhh 😣"

Johnny 😏
"Hey hey I'm not letting you win tmr 😡😡😡"

Aron 🐶
"U will see 😁😁😁"

I went doing my homework from Mr Obama. It was too easy for me because I'm in the 10th grade. The work he gave me is like grade 3.

I've been wanna to be in love but I can't. I got an ex girlfriend and she cheated on me with this guy named Harry.

Now I have big trust issues. I went to sleep because I was a bit tried after playing Sunday Morning 30 times.

I went to school and found my ex Taylor kissing Harry and it was damn weird.

I went history class and I got the top score. 95/100

"Congratulations Joshua hong for getting the top score" Said Ms Willian as I was proud to get pretty high.

"Damn good job man" I thanked Johnny as I paid attention to class.

Fast forward at same day at night time

I was watching a cool Kdrama 1988.

As I was up to the 5th episode I got a call from 911.

"Hello this is 911 are Joshua Hong the son of Dan Hong?" I said yes as I felt my self rushing.

"You're dad is in the hospital you need to go now" the lady said as I Ran to the closet hospital.

I went into the desk to find my dad and they showed me as I was raising like crazy.

"Hi your Joshua Hong right?" As I was in tears to find out.

"I'm so sorry your dad got into an car accident and we tried our best but he didn't make it" As heard those words I just cried and on the floor to neal.

(Good boy + Boy Boy) (Seoksoo) (Joshua + DK) Seventeen Where stories live. Discover now