My first Kiss: Chapter 19

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POV Joshua
I wake up to the sound of Dokyeomies voice

"Hi Joshua" He was cute like crazy

"Are you my boyfriend" I asked him as half awake

"Yes you are, you said that last night" he looked at my half woken eyes.

"Yes you are, you said that last night" he looked at my half woken eyes

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(Both of them cute)

"Wow okay I love you is Jeonghan here?" I asked him as I didn't want get seen

"Jeonghan is here in the bathroom with Scoups" he told me his hot voice as I couldn't resist from Hugging him

"Wow your so hot" "How do you do that to me?" I asked as I couldn't believe I'm dating him now

"How do you be so cute" he asked me as he kissed my forehead

I looked at him as I kissed his lips as I wanted to do it really badly. I went to him we started cuddling as it felt I was hugging my pillow.

"Joshua you awake? We need to go in 10 minutes— Jeonghan looked at the bunk bed as he was screaming in his light voice.

"Damn you guys are dating is well?" Scoups looked as he was just give us the eyebrow

"Shit shit" I screamed as Dokyeom calmed me down

"Aww you guys are such a cute couple" Jeonghan said with his fake voice as I had to have big private talk with him.

"Fuck sack Joshua you are dating guy and your saying your straight" "What's that about?" He looked at me seriously as he would never do this to me unless I get a English question wrong in a test because I never get anything wrong in English apparently. I do dont tell him

"Umm yesterday yeah it was interesting" "You guys were coming later and yeah we started making out" "I don't know how that fucking happened but yeah it was hot as" I told him as he side eyed me hard as

"Gezz you finally got into your senses because I was expecting you to be gay as mom is most likely gay but I don't know I could be wrong" 💀 (sorry that was really bad) Mom? Being gay that's interesting.

"Yeah mom is most likely into this lady in her work place and I think she's been dating her for a whole 5 months or something now" Damn that's really unexpected but expected because I saw her text accidentally as I saw a lady named Im Nayoung. Like it said

"Hey Yoon Jeongyeon" "Are you ready to get fucked in my house😘😘😘" a few months a ago.

After having an interesting fight we went back to see our boyfriends waiting for us

"Are you guys done fighting?" Scoups asked as we were fighting we a whole 20 minutes

"Yep I'm fine as my little brother is getting some lessons" He said in front of everyone

"Damn is he okay?" Dokyeom asked as I shook my head. YOON JEONGHAN IS NEVER OKAY😥😥😥

We went to the cafeteria as we went to the table where our friends were.

"Guys I guess it's official everyone is gay besides Joshua" "Kun just told me that he caught Jun and Minghao making out" Woozi said as way all went into laughter besides me and Minghao because we had idea what to say. I blind eye my whole brain as I just felt empty. I'm gay now?

Okay I'm stupid I am gay

"Guys I think you guys got wrong no one ment to be straight as we could kick out Joshua" "Wait he was cuddling and kissing Dokyeom so he can stay" As my whole group squealing like crazy like there life is gone

"Joshua your gay too I knew you were going to be gay" Woozi said as J was raging like crazy

"Are fucken kidding me ahhh" I try to scream and trying to be angry. I couldn't I'm sad

"Joshua try better trying to get mad" Jeonghan hugged me as I was just shoving my mouth with cereal. I got orange juice in throat as fast as I can as I feel shameful

"Joshua it's fine we're all fine of you being gay" "Why are you so upset about it" Jeonghan asked with his soft voice of like some Angel. To me he was also a Devil in disguise. Crazy man

After we went to our class as I have sports for the first two periods today. As I went to the lockers to change I felt someone hugging me behind.

"Hey Shua you look so sexy shirtless" Dokyeom came as I was so super shy I went red

"Shit Dokyeomie you know scared how I look like without my shirt" I told him as he smirked

"Okay if your scared sure make you more scared" He took of his shirt of as I saw his hot abs and body. Dude turn hot in 200 degrees in a few seconds hotter then the sun.

"Fuck you look hot" I turn back as was about to put on my PE shirt

"Don't baby let me do something" Dokyeom took the shirt as I felt his lips again

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"Don't baby let me do something" Dokyeom took the shirt as I felt his lips again

It was hot as he was going faster then that night. He warming it so much I forgot all my plans in camp. I felt his lips going wetter as he was suck my lips. I couldn't breathe but I didn't care I was so in the moment.

"Umm Jisoo and Dokyeom? Are guys done" Jungkook and Teahyung came out of no where as I was blushing in Dokyeomie arms

"Fuck shit" I screamed as I put on shirt and apologized to both of them before leaving

Dokyeom came after as I could hear him apologizing loudly to Jungkook and Teahyung as both of them just laughed off.

I went to sit down as the couch was waiting for us. I see everyone looking at me as I looked at the ground in shame. I wish that didn't happened but at same time I wanted it to last longer. It was better then our first kiss or "make out"


1014 words

Thank you for the support again and stay safe and have wonderful day. ❤️❤️❤️

"You did amazing today" by (Author/me)

Also STREAM THE MAN by Jeonghan and Wonwoo!!!! It slaps hard it's so good 🔥🔥🔥

(Good boy + Boy Boy) (Seoksoo) (Joshua + DK) Seventeen Where stories live. Discover now