Crashes: Chapter 5

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POV Joshua
It's the day of the project presentation. As I would be I'm very scared. I feel like as if I was the Titanic sinking. I really think we are screwed.

"Hey Joshua you did everything right?" Jun asked me as he only did one page when he ment to do at least 5.

"Yeah I did your 4 pages you didn't do" I told him as I slept late to finish everything.

"Joshua you only did 3 where is the other one?" He asked as I realized I forgot to bring the other one.

"Fuck me we're super screwed" I have my self panicking like crazy.

"Rośe did you do your 5 pages?" I asked hoping she did it.

"Nah I did only 2" I'm really fucked as I wanted to get run over by a bus.

"Where is Dokyeom?" I asked as I feel myself going to be crying.

"He's behind you" Jun pointed

"Hey I did 10 pages in case you guys forget again" Dokyeom bringed his folder of 10 pages for the project.

"No way thank you so much Dokyeom" I hugged as I was about to cry.

"Umm your welcome shua" He laughed as Rośe and Jun started burst out laughing. It's first time someone called my shua I actually like it a lot.

"God damn Joshua your really gay" Rośe shouted as I got embarrassed as I looked at the ground.

"Rośe you did nothing like 3 pages Joshua did 12 pages and he couldn't do all of yours and Jun's because he was working his ass off" Dokyeom looked at her in disgust.

"Also Jun why did you only do 1 page? We're definitely going to tell the teachers to put down you guys grade" Dokyeom said as he looked at me.

"Okay never mind Jun I won't because your my friend and also you have your part time job to do." Dokyeom said as Jun looked at him and leaned to the floor to bow.

"Brother I give you all my respect" He thanked him like 17 times or something.

"Everyone it's time to present your presentation" Ms Jung as she asked everyone to bring there USB.

I looked at all of the paper as I had to present very nicely.

"Okay first group is Wonwoo, Jimin, Doyoung and Joy." As they went to present I already saw how good it was as they did it very well.

"That's why the project end up like this" Wonwoo said the last word as we all clapped as I was thinking how to make it a bit better.

"Okay okay next group is Woozi, Yerin, Jihyo and Nayeon." As I saw there project it looked pretty fine but the worst because Jihyo started singing with Nayeon about cells.

"Thank you that group next is Sana, Momo, Bang Chan and Vivi" There project was also okay just Sana and Momo did some weird dances like twerking and yeah was interesting.

"Next is Dokyeom, Joshua, Rose and Jun" As heard it I was sure we're going to fail it bad. Like there was no way these people two bad boys and a popular girls were going to do anything.

As I heard everyone become silent as they have big respect for Dokyeom I feel my self wanna to jump over a window as I looked all my notes.

"Hi everyone in this project is with in worth you guys time" Dokyeom spoke as I looked at him ready to speak.

I went in spoke as finely as I can as I feel my self shacking I really wanted it to stop.

"This is end of our project thank you for listening" Rose said the last thing as everyone clapped as screamed a lot more then I would expect.

As I sat back down I just wanted to sleep because I'm so tired of work so long. As I would expect my self again I slept till it's Lunch.

"Wake up sleepy head" Woozi smacked my head. I woke up to see DK there.

"Good job man you really work hard you deserve this shua" Dokyeom gave me Banana milk and sandwich for me.

"Thank you Dokyeom" I said as he looked back me as he walked away to his bad boy group.

"Damn Dokyeom gave so many privilege" Wonwoo came to me as I blushed a bit, and put my hands on my face because it became super red.

"Joshua didn't know your into my brother" Woozi looked at my stupid red face.

"Are you going hate me if I'm gay?" I asked my head ony table.

"No of course never our whole group probably gay besides me" Woozi saying it as if I never saw him staring at one of the bad boys.

"That's bullshit you obviously love Hoshi you even have a poster of him in your room and god you put so many tigers.

"Shut up man I know you love that tall boy Mingyu" Woozi clapped back as they were fighting who is more in love.

"You loved Hoshi since Grade 7" Wonwoo said looking at him.

"I know you love Mingyu since Grade 8 as he hang out with you in the library for cute tutoring lessons for 2 hours a week!!" Woozi screamed out as I started to laugh so hard how crazy they are.

"You always have a secret cardboard stand of Hoshi in you house and also you watch his dance videos 24 hours a day!" Wonwoo screamed out as I saw Jeonghan, Minghao, Seungkwan, and Chan coming in.

"Gezz we have some delulu people in this classroom" Minghao screamed out as they started to laugh so hard.

"Let me guess is it about who loves Hoshi or Mingyu more" Seungkwan sat on Wonwoo chair as he drinks his share tea with Minghao.

"Actually it's both of them" I said as Chan gave me high five for saying that so proudly.

"You guys are so gay" Jeonghan sat on the same chair as me.

"Look at you! Your so in love you Scoups but I'm not even close to gayness" Woozi said looking at everyone that is probably gay.

"Alright guys stop fighting there is no point to be fight about your crashes." Jeonghan told them off as they look down on the floor.

"Fine I'm sorry for saying stuff about you and Hoshi!" Wonwoo said quietly.

"Louder!!!" Woozi screamed.

"I'm sorry alright" Wonwoo Hugged Woozi as they both cryed for some reason as they both were sorry to each other a lot.

"Damn haven't seen Woozi let some one hug him for awhile!" Jeonghan said his old times as always.


1115 words

Wanna say happy birthday to my friend as this is her birthday gift 🎉🎉🎉

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