New project: Chapter 3

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POV Joshua

The next day at school we have a new project for school as it was for science. As they choosed who were going to be in the groups.

I end up having Rose, Jun, and Dokyeom in my group...

I'm really Fucked up from this because Jun is stupid. Rose is the lowest in the class if she didn't have the money to bribe the school. Dokyeom I don't know he is a bit weird and I don't know if he's smart enough.

It's due next week and we all planned to work on it in Dokyeom's home but Woozi already planned to do the project at home so, we planned to do it in the local library.

"Awww Bro I feel bad for you good luck" My Angel Brother hugging me.

"Who did you get as your group?" I asked

"I got Sowon, Jimin and ahhh that bitch" Jeonghan screamed Smalley.

"Scoups?" I knew it was definitely him

"Of course that bitch I got him in my project group 5 times in a row this year!" Jeonghan complained.

"Are we surprised?" Seungkwan came into the conversation.

"Nahh I think they would have each other 17 times" Wonwoo added.

"Please gezz at least your not living with one of those bitches" Minghao looked at his hand.

"I'm also living with one of them it's alright" Wonwoo said looking at his book

"Mingyu Fucken sucks he stinks, cleans so much, and oh my god he is so loud" Minghao screamed not to the point everyone in the cafeteria can hear it.

"Good luck on both of your guys" Chan looked at his candy

As I felt my hand drawing on my book I realized that I needed more notes for the project. So I went back home I went to the computer and researched for 2 hours till 2:00 am. Because we finish school at 10:00 pm and comeback home at 12:00 am.

I found my self the next day so tired and jeonghan waking me up instead of me. I rushed like crazy and was almost late for the bus.

We made on time and I slepted most of the classes. I was even sleeping in lunch as slepted in the same chair. I finally woke up in 3 pm from Jeonghan.

"Gezz you didn't sleep well" Jeonghan bringed me out

"Yeah I know" I said Yawning

There was still 8 hours of school which made me very frustrated as I realized I didn't pay attention from the last class.

I forget to take notes as I was about to cry.

Then I felt someone's presence.

"Hey Joshua I got the notes for science pay attention next time" Dokyeom gave me the notes as I was so happy because I thought I was going to be screwed.

As thanked him I looked at his notes I saw how neat and organised it was. It had everything we needed to get A+ for the project.

"Damn I didn't know Dokyeom was so good at notes" Jeonghan looked at the notes

" Yeah I'm surprised is well" I said looking at everything he did.

After I went to the Library and started working on my part for the project. It was on my Lunch time so I didn't eat anything because I wasn't bothered going to the cafeteria.

I told the group that I won't be hanging out with them at Lunch. But Wonwoo wanted to study is well so we both just worked silently work or Studying in the Library. We we're both also the only ones the Library besides the librarian in the Library.

As I was figuring out the project hypothesis realized that Dokyoem forget to ask the teacher about the answers for a question.

I asked Wonwoo but he said no one asked besides him and no one knows the answer.

I was panicking as I realized how behind I was because I got Dokyeoms notes for Dokyeom not for me.

Wonwoo saw me panicking as he tried his best calming me down.

"Gezz Joshua you need to chill" Wonwoo with his glasses

"I can't I don't wanna fail like a fucker" I was looking at my writing.

"Hey Joshua sorry man I gave you the wrong one" I hear someone shouting coming inside the library.

"Oh hey Dokyoem" I looked back. "Thank you" I said formally and bowed to him.

"You know don't have to bow to me right? You can also be informal instead of formal well speaking to me right" he laughed as he looked at my blushing face.

"Oh alright" I said just looking at the notes.

"Hey your Wonwoo right I'm Mingyu good job on getting full marks on that test" Mingyu congratulated him. I saw Wonwoo looking down disgust as he went back reading.

"Also are those new glasses you got they look hot as" Mingyu smiled as Wonwoo started blushing.

"I got them last week" Wonwoo shyly looked at him.

"We will be going bye good boys" Dokyeom and Mingyu left as left the library me and Wonwoo started laughing so hard.

"Wonwoo do you have a crash on Mingyu?" I laughed out.

"No I don't but I definitely know that your falling for Dokyeom" Wonwoo giggled as he pocked fun me.

"I definitely know 100% you are in love with KIM MINGYU" Wonwoo smacked my back from embarrassment.

"Shut up YOON JOSHUA or should I say soon to be in the future LEE JOSHUA!!!" I smacked him back from both of us blushing super hard.

"By the way you don't have to shy if your gay because our whole group is gay" Wonwoo pat me on the back.

"Really? Everyone even my brother? Never mind he is always gay since he was 12" I said as Wonwoo gave me the side eye. As I looked I saw him drawing Mingyu with him in a beach.

"Oh my gosh that drawing so dululu of you to do" I said looking at how cute it looks.

We continued laughing the rest of Lunch time til the bell ringed. Then class started and I slept again.

1027 words

(Good boy + Boy Boy) (Seoksoo) (Joshua + DK) Seventeen Where stories live. Discover now