Simple: Chapter 17

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Best Chapter because SEVENTEEN Right here 🔥🔥🔥
POV Dokyeom

We're in the campfire with all of the grade 12 kids as more came the more louder it got.

"Fuck suck can't they just shut up these bitches" Scoups getting his anger issues higher dude really wanted to start a fight.

The motion stopped I looked at Joshua. It felt magical, There is nothing easy like this maze-like world with no exit *Simple by Woozi comes up*

I felt all the memories with him that felt less then 2 seconds. Eye contact felt forever with him as we both stared to each other for like 5 seconds. It was like a long lasting saga.

"Everyone tonight we are all going to stay out side of this camp for a few hours till 10:30 pm" "After it's 10:30 please make sure to precede to your doorms, the only people who can be here at after 11:30 is the couchs" "Please do So!" Namjoon said as I was planning to sleep at 11 so  it doesn't matter too much.

"Alright everyone have fun" Yoongi said as we all sat the chairs where no one was there.

"Mingyu did you hit your chance with WONWOO?" I asked as he was he "said" "He was trying his best" I knew he was doing more.

"Mingyu just do it how Choi Seungcheol did with Jeonghan" Jun said as Scoups looked at him mad

"Bitch don't say my fucken full name just fucken say SEUNGCHEOL OR SCOUPS YOU DINGBACK" Scoups chock Jun as Jun was trying to say he was joking I mean not many of us make jokes about that anymore.

"Man sorry I didn't mean to" Jun choked out as Scoups told him to not do that again.

We walked around the forest as watched all the trees go darker and darker as the time flys faster, saw the lake that some of students were in and just watch fish come over.

"Guys!!" We looked behind a young voice coming

"Vernon!!!" I hugged him I haven't seem him since yesterday and he seemed happy to be here. I saw behind him Seungkwan and my brother Dino which I found weird because he hated them especially Seungkwan

"Hey why is my brother and Seungkwan with you I thought you hated them?" I asked him as he laugh out his embarrassment a lot

"Why are you laughing?" I asked him as he answered after 5 seconds of silence

"Yeah I hang out with them now because I have no friends in my own grade and I couldn't make friends so I kinda had to umm befriend them. It's not that bad as I expect because there pretty nice you never told me how nice Dino I would of been friends with him earlier not for you" He joked as I told him before Dino was very boring and liked gay stuff.
(Bad Dokyeom😞)

"Aww alright umm okay that's good I haven't seen you make friends your age since umm grade 5 so this is very good" I told him as I was very happy for him.
I met Vernon when he was 2 grade I was in grade 3. He had friends but they all betrayed him as they bullied him and whole grade hated him for being half white and gay I don't get the gay part tho. Then he was homeschooled from grade 3 to grade 7 as he was bullied for the whole grade 2.

After he came back at grade 7 I was in Grade 8 and Mingyu, Scoups wanted to make a group together called the bad boy group. We would bully people in our class if they wronged people or us. It had Mingyu, Scoups, me, and Hoshi. We added Vernon that year because he always hanged out with us and added Jun in Grade 10 as he just moved from China that year.

There was another group the good boy group. This involved my brothers Seungkwan, Dino, Wonwoo and Jeonghan. I didn't see Minghao in the group till grade 10 as he was one of those students like Jun transferring from different countries like China. Then obviously Joshua joined lasted year as he came from the USA.

"Did you try to flirt with Seungkwan guy?" Hoshi asked as Vernon nodded

"Alright how did it go" as he whispered

"Great!! I might get a date after camp" As he jumping and being way to excited and a bit you know delulu as he was hugging Hoshi he was way to excited. The last time I saw him excited was back in grade 9 as he won a polar bear plushy from a claw machine.

"Aww cute I got date with Jeonghan it's going good" Scoups told him as now we have two lovey-dovey delulu people in our groups now.

"Yay Hyung that's amazing give me some tips maybe" Vernon asked him as Scoups told him all his tips and tricks to win over a gay guy's heart

"You need to touch them slowly so first obviously hand shaking the hugging then get to the holding hands and maybe kissing" Scoups said as we all vomited Gezz I didn't know kissing was important for that.

"I better go or else or our couch will notice we're missing bye might see you guys later" He said bye as he holding Seungkwan waist. That was definitely not what Scoups asked him to do

"Damn I didn't know he was that quick I'm not even up to that yet" Scoups said as we're sure his going to be up to the interesting part if you know what we are talking about.

We went back to the camp as we saw the good boys group sitting next to the tree.

"Jeonghanie" Scoups screamed as he ran to Jeonghan as the same for Jeonghan. The next thing we know there hugging and kissing as Scoups was carrying Jeonghan into his arms.

"I love you Seungcheol" Jeonghan screamed as we're got jealous

"Hey we can't call you Seungcheol how come he can" Mingyu got mad as none of us are allowed to call him Seungcheol

"Because his more special" We all raged as we just wanted to punch him so bad

"You guys can sit with us we don't mind you guys" As Scoups just walked straight to the tree. So we all had to sit there

"I mean can't be that bad I can at least talk to Wonwoo" Mingyu skipped to the tree

As we all followed

As soon I sat down it was obviously next to Joshua

As soon I sat down it was obviously next to Joshua

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1127 words

Hi guys thank you for alll the support this Book is on 1.5 K views thank you so much guys. Sorry not much happens in this chapter 😞😞😞 some stuff might happen in the next chapter

(Good boy + Boy Boy) (Seoksoo) (Joshua + DK) Seventeen Where stories live. Discover now