Cheers of Youth: Chapter 18

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Promise this chapter will be better then the last chapter
POV Joshua

The bad boys group sat next to us as we all just wanted some peace

As they all sat they sat right next to me was Dokyeom. The other side of me was Woozi as he was sitting right next to is Hoshi.

There is so much tiger flirting happening as Woozi was actually have good time for once with someone hugging him. Woozi is just complicated as.

"You guys are officially weird and gay" Minghao saying it towards to Hoshiand Woozi but also directed to Jeonghan and Mingyu they be flirting more.

"Honesty Me and Joshua are the only normal ones who are acting like up coming 18 Year olds" Minghao added as I gagged so hard.

"Just you two wait and I bet you both will be gay then you know it" Jeonghan told us I feel myself thinking this friend group is crazy.

"你看起来很可爱,徐明浩" Jun said Chinese speaking. I have no I idea what he just said but I can tell it was in Chinese.
(I know Chinese lmao😈)

"What are you guys saying?" As Jun just said something probably in Chinese

Then Minghao started fighting like dog wanted to fight with a cat.

"为什么他妈的在抱怨我,你甚至不是我的男朋友,婊子" Minghao screamed at him as it got more funnier.
(He said in Chinese "Why the fuck are complaining me your not even my boyfriend bitch"

"He said I was fucken cute like I'm gay like him I'm going to the police because of this asshoe!" He said screaming. Gezz he was mad like crazy

"That's because you cute hizi" Jun said giving the kiss mouth.
(Hizi mean child)

"Minghao you got boyfriend now! Joshua your the odd of our now" Jeonghan said as I just sit there with eyes opened why fuck is everyone gay now?

After two hours in tree within being really tortured from everyone I went to steal my own guitar. Who knows why

Then I just went to the lake to the have air of music with my own guitar. Gezz it felt good the wind coming to me as I'm wishing this day goes faster then lightning. Sunday morning was one jam of my own song.

After a bit it did felt boring being alone. I just wanted someone to be with me like I wanna be a alone not lonely, I don't wanna talk but I want someone to just do all the talking for me, I want some to be with me that isn't with there boyfriend or some shit.

The water felt my reflection as it just felt like today was okay but I wish it could be better.

"Wow Shua you've been here for half and hour" Dokyeom came behind me as he ran to the bridge to the lake. Dude love to smile till no one wanted to see anyone smile but him.

"Sorry I got carried away I will come later like another 10 minutes" I told him as I told him he should go back to them.

"Well I'm not going back because they aren't going to talk to me because well there all busy with there boyfriend's" "you're much cool because well your single and your a good friend" Dokyeom said calmly as I was just too stunned to speak.

"Well I'm not going back because they aren't going to talk to me because well there all busy with there boyfriend's" "you're much cool because well your single and your a good friend" Dokyeom said calmly as I was just too stunned to speak

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(Cute photo of them❤️❤️❤️)
Did he just say he want to be with me more then his own friends?

"You wanna go back now because it's nearly 10 and I think it's better to get some peace in our dooms then having to gay friends making out" He said as I agreed as I was actually thinking of falling asleep anytime soon.

We walked back saw Jeonghan and Scoups with others still flirting like hell.

"Gezz they need a break of not making out" I told Dokyeom as agreed

"Yeah I'm surprised that there the only couple that made out in front of everyone" Dokyeom said as I laughed so hard with him. Bro was telling the facts about everyone.

We went inside as Dokyeom took a short shower. Then as I was busy reading Dokyeomie went out shirtless.

"Shit man wear a shirt" I told him as I got scared from his hot body.

"I know you like it but I forgot my shirt I had to get it" He smirked to me as he put on his shirt and went closer to me.

"I wanna something what would you think about dating a man?" He asked me as his big interest was my answer

" hate it bye" I replied straight away

"Be honest you are you sure?" He asked again as it got hotter

"Umm if they treat me right love me right and there not too weird then I'm fine with it" "Is that good answer?" I asked him scared as I kinda wanted him to kiss me already

"Do I treat you right?" He asked me I nodded

"Do I love you right?" He asked again as my eyes open not knowing what to say

"I know it doesn't look like I love you that much but oh wait I would love so right" He told me as he was an cm away from my face.

"I'm not weird and I love you" He told me as I just jaw dropped in front of him as there was nothing to do just stare at him in shocked.

"Do you love me?" He asked as I didn't say anything as I felt myself about to exposé-ding like crazy in head.

"If you don't react I want you don't love me if you react like I want you love me a lot" He cupped my face to his lips as I felt him falling it out like it endgame. I closed my eyes I just let him do all the job any delulu gay person would do. I'm really falling in love.

It felt as he smoothly went left and right to get every taste of my mouth as I was in heaven. He was giving me big time amazing treatment. I love him

"I'm sorry what mistakes I did it's my first time living" "Will you be my Boyfriend?" He asked as I shook my head as he kissed me again


1066 Words

Thank you for so much for the support guys also I put the kiss scene here because there was deadline I put as if I didn't réalise this chapter I have to put a little scene in it lmao.

Hope you are enjoying the book and also happy Jun day!!! ❤️❤️❤️ my bais

Hope you are enjoying the book and also happy Jun day!!! ❤️❤️❤️ my bais

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My lovely Jun have an amazing day people❤️❤️❤️

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