Love Shot: Chapter 2

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POV Joshua
I went and sat down and every single friend Jeonghan had were really nice and funny. We we're enjoying our lunch as we we're talking about class.

Right after I finished we all put our Lunch in the bin and went outside for a walk.

"Wow this school is so much cleaner then in my school in LA" I said looking at how beautiful the school as I never seen such beautiful flowers in a school before.

We went outside of the school to get some snacks and I was amazed how good food was.

"Joshua what do you think about the food?" Wonwoo Asked as the sausage was really good.

"It's so good bro" "I could eat this everyday" I said smiling as everyone laughed.

"Happy you enjoy it!" Chan said with his cuteness.

As I was eating I was boys from my class again but more. We we're outside of the shop eating while they are there buying something.

"Hey it's the bad boy group" Seungkwan said with his side eye.

"Ewww it's my stupid brother" Woozi said with disgust.

"How bad are they?" I asked as they looked at me. I was racing as I didn't know what said was wrong.

"They do crazy stuff like Cheating, Bullying, talking very bad in front of the teachers and worst do bad stuff to you even tho you did nothing." Minghao said looking at them. "It's ashame that me and Wonwoo have to live with two of them"

"Yeah it's sad" Jeonghan added.

"I have to live with Mingyu while Wonwoo had to live with Jun." Minghao said really disgusted.

"Why do you have to live with them?" I asked Wonwoo and Minghao.

"Well Jun is an Exchange student so they chose my family as to take care of him my family loves him a lot I don't know why" Wonwoo said looking down.

"I have to live with Mingyu for the same reason I'm a exchange student is well"Minghao said with the side eye and taking a sip of water. "Mingyu's family loves me so it's fine."

All of the sadden I felt a had gave from someone in the back.

"Hey you good boy" As carried me to a wall "You seem good to fuck"

"Hey DK stay away from my brother" Jeonghan was smacking him but it was useless as Scoups tangled him.

" DK that's our friend stop it or us we well tell mom and dad!!!" Chan screamed as DK got scared.

"Shit sorry bro didn't know this was your friend" DK put in down as felt my throat in pain.

"Gezz Joshua are you okay?" Woozi said in his worried face.

"Yeah I'm alright" I said still healing my self

"Don't go near us again DK!!!" Woozi screamed.

"So I'm not allowed to say hi to my lovely brothers" DK laughed.

"Please you know what we mean" chan told him off.

"Fine I will fuck off" as Dk left with the bad boys

"Sorry Joshua that's out brother Dokyeom he is super stupid" Woozi put his hand on his hand

"If Dokyeom disturbs you again tell us we will talk to him" Chan told me reassuring me I was going to be fine

As we went back to class I saw DK or Dokyeom looking at me as he looks like he was going to beat me up.

"Hey Joshua what's wrong why do you look so stressed?" Woozi asked me

"Why is your brother looking at me like that?" I nervously asked as I saw his straight sharp eyes.

"Don't worry he acts like this a lot it's normal" Woozi told me as I see DK lip reading on me

"See me after class Bitch" as I saw that I got so scared as the bell rang I stayed with Woozi straight away.

"Hey Joshua can I talk to you? Alone?" I hear a deep voice on my shoulder

It's Dokyeom...

"DK what do you want to say to Joshua? Gotta say it with is well" Woozi with his attitude.

"Jihoon mind your fucken own business" DK looked at the small brother.

"Dude you know your fucken dangerous" Woozi screamed

"Fuck off Bro"

As I felt DK grabed my wrist. He bringed me into a room that looked like a janitor's room for the students. He heard the lock.

"Hey how are you Joshua?" I hear his voice close to me

"I'm good thank you are you okay?" I asked regretting asking him

"I'm fucken pissed" he put his hand on my head

"I need u to date my girlfriend" Dokyeom whispered as he was massaging my head

"Wait WHAT?!???" I screamed

"Shut up bitch just do it or else you will be my fucken slave" Dokyeom said as I got scared

"Dokyeom you know we can all hear you right!!!" As heard the voice I instantly knew it was my brother.

"Fucken hell your so fucken lucky to have your brother!" As laughed as I heard him saying that.

As I saw him unlocking the door as his angry stumps away.

"Damn does Dokyeom have some stupid crash on you" Minghao laughed as we all saw him with his group.

"Nahhh he's in love" Wonwoo laughed out loud for the first time.

"Yeah Dokyeom is definitely going to cheat on rose with you Joshua!" Jeonghan slapping my shoulder.

We all walked to the bus we saw Scoups and Mingyu again. This time Chan and Woozi came with us because they wanted to do a sleepover in our home. So they couldn't hurt us because Dokyeom also had to come.

Our Mom apparently loves Dokyeom so yeah do we have a choice.

As we went home I went straight to my room and played my guitar. But I could do it for long because Jeonghan, Chan and Woozi wanted to do a K-pop dance challenge.

As we we're dancing I felt my self clueless as I only know Oppa Gangnam style and exo. But EXO I didn't know how to dance any songs of them....

I think I knew how to dance Love shot I think.


Yeah I did very good I think by Joshua Mindset of drunkenness

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Yeah I did very good I think by Joshua Mindset of drunkenness.


1040 words

(Good boy + Boy Boy) (Seoksoo) (Joshua + DK) Seventeen Where stories live. Discover now