Wet: Chapter 6

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Pov Dokyeom

"Shua I don't know why but I love you." I said thoroughly to his eyes I cupped his face and Kissed it.

"I love you so much Dokyeom I want to be with you forever even if your in the bad boy group" Shua said looking at me as I was sucking his neck.

As it went black I'm back to life in my bed.

I wake up to find it's a stupid dream. "Fuck" I said waking up in my bedroom about to go to school.

I don't know why I've been interesting in to this new boy Joshua as I have no idea why. Ever time I look at time he's like the only thing I can think of.

"Woozi get up man!!!" I shouted at him as he sleeps like a teddy bear. Kinda cute but at same time he needs to wake up for school or else mom and dad will kill me.

"Dino get ready man!" I shouted at him as he is already dressed and ready.

"Dino wake up leeseo and Minho!" I said packing for everyone breakfast.

"Minho wake up man!!!" I hear Chan shout at Minho as he never wakes up.

Minho in a Year Younger then me while Leeseo is 10 years younger then me so I need to take care of both of them as I'm the oldest. Jihoon or Woozi is only a few months younger then me while Chan is 1 years is well but acts more mature then Woozi. My parents are really rich as they own the biggest company in Korea. As I'm the oldest I need to take over the company as I'm the smartest. The thing is that I don't act that smart as I'm in the bad boy group but yeah I have to take care of siblings or else I'm dead.

"Leeseo!!! Are you ready?" I screamed at my little sister.

"Yeah Oppa" we dropped her off to her friends home as we can't take care of her because her school starts 9.

"Thank you Miss Jang for taking care of Lesseo" I bow before leaving to meet Woozi and Chan.

"No worries Wounyoug and Kyujin loves when they play together." She said as I ran for my life for the bus.

I was luckily on time for the bus as I saw my friend Jun and Hoshi.

"Man you almost the bus" Jun said while looking at Minghao.

"Dokyeom your namdongsaeng Jihoon looks very cute today." Hoshi said looking at him for a long time as if he was going kidnap my brother.

"Oh yeah about that yeah are you guys into any girls yet?" I asked they both shacked there heads.

"Man your so lucky to fall in love with girl we don't even know our type" Jun hugged me as if he did have his girlfriend Rose.

"Bro don't you have rose?" I told him.

"No bro I broke up her because she was cheating on me with this guy name Jeahyun" he said look down at his lap.

"Wait that guy in my class?" Hoshi asked.

"Yeah I think so he's in that hot as group that's probably that's why she cheated on me." Jun in his emo era of time.

"Okay just don't become Emo that's it" I told as I stared at my phone a picture posted Joshua's Brother Jeonghan them together in Kindergarten. This was on Instagram and everyone has my Instagram besides one person. Yes Joshua still hasn't accepted me on Instagram.

(Good boy + Boy Boy) (Seoksoo) (Joshua + DK) Seventeen Where stories live. Discover now