I don't him : Chapter 7

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POV Joshua
It's the end of Grade 11 as our Winter break will start next week. I'm going to be 17 in 11 days!!

"Joshua!! Your birthday is so soon" my mom screamed as she hugged me tightly. It's my moms first time celebrating my birthday since I was 1. Yes Jeonghan is older then me by 2 months but that's because I was really immature birth. So when my mom and dad plus Jeonghan were in America I got birth randomly there.

"It's my first time see you turn an age since you we're one years old Gezz I can't believe how much you've grown" my mom pitched my cheeks as I was very excited to celebrate with my mom and Jeonghan.

It's just I do miss my dad a lot and Johnny and Aron as they have been for my birthday every year.

Fast forward

It's three days before school ends for our winter break we have our results back today.

"Everyone please look at your results in the board in the front of the school, if your results for your grade are not there then you must be in the top 20 students in your grade, please find yours in the opposite side of the boards of the school" the announcer on the speaker said with a zesty voice.

Once the bell went everyone went to the board to see there grades.

I walked with Woozi and Wonwoo as we met up with the others. We first checked the grade 10 because their are in a separate place from the grade 11.

"Okay Chan!! Seungkwan!! What did you guys get!" Jeonghan screamed as we waited.

"Guys I actually passed!! I got 144 marks out of 215!!" Dino screamed as we were happy.

"That's my boy I shouldn't be surprised the lee family is pretty smart" Jeonghan hugging him.

"Seungkwan what did you get?" I asked him as he was a bit disappointed

"105 out of 215..." He said looking down.

"That's like 48.8 which is 49" Jeonghan using his big brain as he was about to cry as I was hugging him

"It's fine Seungkwan your get better next year" Woozi patting on his back

"That's because your smart you never fail!" Seungkwan tearing up a bit

"Okay okay Seungkwan I will help you for tutoring next year alright" Jeonghan saying as Seungkwan agreed.

"Okay guys I wanna see our grade now" Wonwoo telling as we walked to the grade 11 board.

"I bet I will fail" Minghao hugging me as we checked if our names are there out of 300 kids in our grade.

"Minghao I see your name you got 155 out of 215" Wonwoo screamed as Minghao screaming of joy.

"Woozi you got 169 out of 215" 78% not surprised because Jeonghan always tells me the lee family never fails.

"Okay I don't see Wonwoo, Jeonghan and Joshua so we should look at the top 20" Minghao said as we walked to see a bunch of girls gossiping about the grades and the handsomness of the boys.

"Okay Wonwoo your number one you got 215 out of 215" Seungkwan screamed out.

"Jeonghan your 212 out of 215 you got number 4" Minghao screamed out with more sassyness

"Too be honest Jeonghan never uses smartness any where besides School and cheating in games" Minghao said as we all laughed.

"Hey Joshua good job you got 210 out of 215 that's very good for a Foreigner" Minghao said as I saw my marks.

"Minghao what do you mean that's so good he beated like 294 students are mostly fluent in Korean" Wonwoo told him off.

I looked the board as I was a bit surprised about Dokyeom score so as the bad boy scores.

(Good boy + Boy Boy) (Seoksoo) (Joshua + DK) Seventeen Where stories live. Discover now