Crazy Love: Chapter 13

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POV Dokyeom

"Guys got him and to be honest I'm loving or like obsessed with him now" Scoups telling everyone was just looking him in shocked how in love he is in.

"I literally thought you were lying that you would to hook up with him and now date now" Mingyu told him as we we're just listening how to get a man to date us. I didn't listen because I gave up.

"Well I guess Jeonghan is mines now not officially yet" Scoups said

"How do you know it's official?" I asked him curious about what's an official taken person

"If I have the chance to fuck him. But I don't think his ready yet maybe when we both go to University" he said as I was a bit interested

"Bro just fuck him is that hard?" Hoshi asked as Scoups nodded

"Gezz this cherry really knows what he wants" Hoshi responded again Scoups we staring at Jeonghan.

"Fuck he is so cute" He said as we all got a bit disgusted.

After we finish eating we checked the board to see which classes we are in.

Jun and Scoups are together

Mingyu is by himself

Hoshi himself

Same with me

"Fuck me I'm dead I need help doing math" Mingyu whinged as he was hugging me

"Dude your fine you have Wonwoo in your class" I told him as he reassure him as he realized and got a bit too happy.

"Yo Woozi is in my class I might have my chance" Hoshi said as I knew woozi is really hard to get.
Hoshi has no chance with woozi 100%

"Wait Jeonghan is in our class. Are you going to leave me for your new boyfriend?!?" Jun asked as he got worried.

"Yes most likely, but look you have Minghao in our class is well so you should have your hands full" He told him Jun was begging like cat would begging for a mouse.

When I checked my class as wow Joshua is in my class.

Just fuck me at this point

We all went our classes as we have math and activities at different times.

I had Math for the first three periods before it's lunch for the same for Scoups and Jun but for Hoshi and Mingyu it's the opposite.

I walked to the classroom to the class early as I found a good place to be at the back. Then my class came and the last one to come was Joshua.

For some reason he came to my sit and sat right next to me. I saw there was no sits anymore as I got annoyed by his presence.

"Dokyeomie I'm sorry I didn't mean that I didn't know it hurts your feelings" Joshua said quietly as he was really near me.

"Joshua just go and do maths that's what I'm here for" I told him as I kinda silenced him as the whole first period was extremely quiet. I kinda felt bad because he looks so sad.

(Good boy + Boy Boy) (Seoksoo) (Joshua + DK) Seventeen Where stories live. Discover now