Campers: Chapter 11

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I need help his undercut 💘💘💘

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I need help his undercut 💘💘💘

POV Joshua
"Jeonghan wake up man your going to be late if you wake up" I went Jeonghan and started slap his ass.

"Fuck stop it Jisoo I will wake up" Jeonghan woke up but start slapping me. He slapped me at the ass is well and yeah it hurts.

"Fine get up and eat breakfast" I told him off as got of his bed

Today we are going to some camp for math or something I don't know Jeonghan has been there before I haven't been yet.

"Alright boys in 10 minutes you guys better be ready!!!" My mom screamed as Jeonghan rush to pack his stuff. He needs to get prepared the night before.

"Fuck me I'm coming mom" Jeonghan screamed as I laughed loud out with my mom as he was on time.

"Darling pack your stuff the night before like brother has been so you don't get stressed out at the morning" Our mom told us as he rolled his eyes and just said "Yes mom" should listen to her advice...

"Alright you two work hard and only that have fun they have some activities in there besides math" Our mom said as we got our stuff and our kissed cheek and said goodbye to us.

"Hey!!!! Seungkwan!!!" I screamed out as I saw getting out of his bus to walk to the place.

"Hey besties" He came with his luggage and pink bag that has glitter not a lot but good amount.

"Hey besties" He came with his luggage and pink bag that has glitter not a lot but good amount

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(Like this but less glitter)

"Where are the other bitches!" He ask us which was very normal of him to call friends bitches.

"I don't know there not here yet because we're like 20 minutes early" Jeonghan said as we said we are on time if we are early.

After 10 minutes more people came as we saw our group coming.

"Where's Woozi and Dino? There going to miss the bus" Wonwoo said as we we're going separate because Seungkwan and Dino are in the other grade bus.

As Seungkwan went to the bus we became more anxious about if they we're going to come.

(Good boy + Boy Boy) (Seoksoo) (Joshua + DK) Seventeen Where stories live. Discover now