What happens now? : Chapter 20

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POV Dokyeom

I can't believe it I kissed Joshua. It felt like a dream that I just felt amazing. It's just amazing like the dreams I have him.

I don't if he is going tell any of his friends but I know for sure he is mine. I love him

"Hi Shua" I went to his bunk bed as Jeonghan and Scoups are in the bathroom doing stuff.

"Are you my boyfriend" He asked me as I smiled

"Yes you are, you said that last night" I looked at his half woken eyes. It look like I was looking at a enchanted deer.

"Wow okay I love you is Jeonghan here?" He asked me as I was going hot. He said I love you

"Jeonghan is here in the bathroom with Scoups" I told him as he came to hug me tightly

"Wow your so hot" "How do you do that to me?" Joshua is really getting me ready

"How do you be so cute" I asked him as I kissed his forehead

He looked me as kissed my lips shortly after. Next thing I know I'm cuddling him as I was enjoying it a lot.

"Joshua you awake? We need to go in 10 minutes— Jeonghan looked at the bunk bed as he was screaming in his light voice.

"Damn you guys are dating is well?" Scoups looked as he was just give us the eyebrow

Shame shame shame...

Fast forward

It's the first period and Joshua got really mad or embarrassed in my opinion as Teahyung caught us kissing in the changing room.

I would say it wasn't that bad. Plus Teahyung is also gay as his dating Jungkook.

I looked at him as he was giving me a dirty look as I felt bad a bit.

Couch Yoongi was training us on badminton this time which was horrible as I suck at badminton. I mean I have no aim besides to Joshua.

"Alright everyone let's do our best fighting" Yoongi blew his highest note as went we all went off

I was hitting as hard as my techniques of badminton were failing my face as I just gone red that the shedal hated me at it hit my cute face.

"Dokyeomie you alright?" Joshua screamed out as he was checking my swelling face

"Yeah kinda I just got hit by the shedal" I smiled calmly as I saw hid eyes. I just want one little kiss from this deer.

"Dear let me play with you" "You must not know how to play badminton" He came to my court as he told Jackson to play with the guy across.

We started to play again as he was screaming to me at everything that I was doing wrong like he was my teacher

"Dokyeom swing it right not left ahhh"

"I know shuaaaa" I gave him my cute face but he wasn't having it as my teeth got stuck

We were fighting but not really because we weren't talking but fighting in badminton in silence that all you can hear is hitting and a bit of sweating. A lot sweating in opinion for Joshua he seems to be fine as his been looking more finer when he is in badminton

When will I stop

After a bit it was 10 minute brake and we got to rest as I straight up went to him and cuddled to him even when we we're sitting

"Dokyeomie your so sweating stop hugging me I need deodorant" I let him go as he smelled amazing

"Dokyeom come here you need a lot baby" He took my wrist as I I put my self to a T pose as I got sprayed by his smell of him

(Good boy + Boy Boy) (Seoksoo) (Joshua + DK) Seventeen Where stories live. Discover now