Chapter eight: Power

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Warning for mild mentions of death.

You and Alastor finished the dinner, it was very good. 

"I can repay you later for my part of the bill," you told him on your way back to the hotel.

"I informed you, my dear, I took care of it. No need for repayment."

You nodded slightly, walking in silence for a bit.

Then you broke out a question, "So- You're a wendigo, right?"

His eyebrow perked slightly, "I suppose so."

"So, did you like... Eat people in life?"

He stayed silent, and that was your cue you were pushing too far. 

You muttered a small sorry.

It was a slow walk, very quiet.

Of course, just when you were starting to make a friend you pushed them away with an awkward question.

Alastor sighed softly; you glanced over to him.

"It's true, I was a real maverick, a serial killer, and had to dispose of a body. It was late, hunger struck, and I found myself cutting up the remains. Strangely enough, I got a taste for it."

"Sorry... You didn't have to answer Alastor..."

"No worries, my dear. And as for you, assassin?"

"Well... I was low on money and did some hunting. But it wasn't enough... And so, I put up a poster, saying I would do anything for some cash. I had made a new email and put that on it for contact reasons. Lowe and behold I got an email asking me to kill someone. I was a bit confused at first, but they offered me $500. My rifle was a good one, silent shot, so I gave it a shot. I became known as The Night Killer. Afterwards I figured it would be a good job, so I continued. Ran for a while until I was setup by some guy. Shot me right between my eyes he did." You put your hand to your chin, "Oh you meant now didn't you- I got attacked by some shark and got an angelic weapon off them. And so, I decided to just keep my job as an assassin."

Alastor let out a small hum, "Got a bullet in me too, mistaken for a deer by some hunter. I was on the lam from the coppers at the time."

You looked at him confused, "From pennies? Or like- Oh, police I get it."

He simply nodded, smile wide. Then stopped walking, he grabbed you by the arm and shoved you into an alleyway.

Oh no- Was it all a ploy, was he about to kill you? 

He covered your mouth; you could hear a low growl escape his throat. He had you pinned against him, forcing you into a standstill. He had your back facing his chest.

You felt his breath on your neck, he must have leaned down. His hand was still over your mouth, slightly tightening. His other hand was on your shoulder, keeping you from turning around. Your hands were frozen out in front of your body, unsure where to put them.

"Apologies, caught sight of someone we'd best steer clear of," he whispered into your ear. "I don't think he saw me..."

He still had you pinned, as he moved down into the alleyway. Must have been waiting for whoever it was to pass. You saw a demon, Vox. The tv headed demon. You had seen his show before, some sort of news broadcaster.

You both waited for a bit, before he released you.

"Once more, apologies, my dear. I didn't want to take chances with you tipping off my being here. Vox catching wind of me wouldn't be a pleasant scenario."

"You're fine, I just wish you gave me a bit of a warning-" you laughed softly as you continued your walk. You didn't like being touched, that made you very nervous. You tried to hide it, though your scales had small blue flecks throughout them.

You both kept walking, this was a long walk, where were you even going?

Almost like he read your mind, "I wanted to show you a magical place I know of."


He pointed to an exit of the city, into a forest. It was much like the one you arrived in, but larger.

You walked through the forest with him, looking around in awe.

He gently nudged you to look over at a small lake, it twinkled under the red sky.

He brushed some of the reeds with his cane making fireflies float into the sky.

"Wow, this is magical," you spoke.

He leaned down and sat on the grass, gently tapping a place to invite you to sit. You obliged and sat down next to him.

"I'd frequent this place to be alone with my thoughts, you know?"

You simply nodded.

"In the beginning, before I aimed to climb the ranks, I resided in these parts. But then, I figured I needed power, so I took on the Overlords."

"What was that like?"

He laughed softly, which led to a more energetic laugh. He wiped his eyes slightly, "Oh wonderous memories."

Your tail curled up along your leg, "Pray tell?"

"I seized control of numerous Overlords' souls and would tear them asunder to broadcast their screams. Ah, what a delightful sound."

"Oh, wow- you um- Don't do that no more right?"

"Hmmm, from time to time I may."

He put his hand around your waist, pulling you slightly closer to him.

"Darling Y/n, no need to fret. As I mentioned earlier, I'd never go back on anyone's trust at this establishment."

"That's- good... I really don't like being touched Al..."

He let go of your waist, letting you scooch away.


"Not your fault- I should have mentioned it way sooner... I have been wondering- Why did you let me live back then?"

Alastor seemed to stare off into space for a second, maybe he was trying to think about why he did.

"You appeared to be a decent sort headed down the wrong path. I was contemplating it, but time was of the essence. I figured giving you a scare and a lesson not to tangle with me would do. I'm relieved I didn't harm you, though."

Your heart fluttered slightly; your scales turned a soft pink. You weren't sure why you felt like that.

You smiled warmly at him. "Yeah, I'm glad you noticed me, and I didn't kill you either."

"Oh, trust me dear, you wouldn't have gotten a scratch."

Well, that was reassuring, you're sure he was just trying to be friendly, but it sounded more like he was threatening you.

You shuffled your hands in your lab nervously.

"Well, we'd best get going," he stood up. Alastor was still super tall, much taller than you for sure. He leaned down to give you a hand.

You grabbed his hand and pulled yourself up. "Thank you."

He simply nodded, and you both went back to the hotel.

You both arrived at 9pm, basically time to go to bed.

"Welcome back Alastor, Y/n," Charlie greeted.

"Thanks, you too," you waved, "Sorry- Tired..." 

Alastor let out a laugh, "Goodnight darling."


You went up to your room, changed out of your clothes and cuddled up with Marble.

"Nighty night my little love bug," you spoke in a childish voice to him.

He cuddled up under your covers and you fell asleep.

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