Chapter fourteen: Bedroom trust (Smut chapter)

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This chapter is NSFW, it includes smut. If you are not comfortable with it, please skip this chapter.

He hummed softly, "Talking like this, makes me want to ravish your body," and there was that tone again, butterflies filled your stomach.

He placed a hand on your thigh.

Marble jumped up on the bed, rubbing up against you.

Alastor looked at you, "Are you still a virgin?"

"I am... I assume you are too?"

He simply nodded.

"Would you be alright... With me... Um-" Alastor's face was red, you never seen him this nervous. It made you feel a bit better.

"I'd be honored."

His smile widened. He gently grabbed Marble and put them outside the room. Locking the bedroom door.

"Stay buddy, mommy and I are going to have some alone time."

The way he said that got you all excited.

Alastor must have sucked up his courage, he pinned you to the bed with his hands and body.

"Now dear, if you want me to stop then tell me, okay?"

"Do we have a codeword?"

Alastor thought for a second, "I think, 'stop' works."

You laughed softly.

"Are you okay with me on top?" he asked you; he had your hands already pinned above your head with on hand.

"Mhm," you couldn't speak, excitement overran your brain. You were also very nervous.

"Final question, do I have your consent?"

"Ya-" was all you could muster.

And with that, he used his powers to keep your hands in place above your head.

He grabbed your shirt and removed it; it slid right through the tentacles bounding your wrists.

He carefully removed your bra, seeing the sight in front of him.

"You are... Absolutely gorgeous," he seemed breath taken. You assumed that being a serial killer who ate victims that he would have seen a naked body before. He probably did, but maybe back then he just didn't care.

He gently cupped a breast; you wined a little.


"I'm fine- just sensitive."

"Do you need me to stop?"

"No, it's fine."

He rubbed your breast making you wine a little, you saw his mouth open up like a dog excited for a treat. A small strand of drool escaped. He closed his mouth and wiped his face.

"Your noises... They make me feel... Very odd."

"Odd as in?"

"A good odd..."

He gently rubbed your cheek, lowering down for a kiss. After breaking the kiss, he kissed your neck making you jolt slightly.


"It's good..."

He kissed your neck again, leading down to your collar bone. A trail of kisses along your shoulder and lower arm. You couldn't help but let off a small moan, when you did his hands around you tightened slightly.

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