Chapter nine: Drunken Trust

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Slight mention of throw-up

You had a nightmare, a horrid one. It was about your parents, and Alastor, and Marble. It was extremely weird now that you think about it, but it was indeed scary whilst you were asleep.

You had taken Alastor to meet your parents, proclaiming he was a new friend. They greeted him, he greeted back. Marble lived with your parents, he came over and freaked out about Alastor. Alastor had turned into a slightly larger form, antlers huge. And they were torn apart in front of you.

It had shaken you to your core. You needed a drink to relax, or to talk to someone. You couldn't talk to anyone since you didn't want Alastor catching wind you had a nightmare about him. 

So, drink it was.

Marble was worried about you; you gently pet him and left him in your room.

You went to the bar trying to make your white scales stay S/c.

"Hey Husk, can you fix me a strong one please?"

"So early?"

You nodded, "I just need a relaxing moment right now. Bad dream."

He shrugged, "Not my problem, I'll fix you up something though."

He handed you a drink, and you drank it. You didn't bother asking what it was. Another one, another. Your scales were swirling colors now.

"I think you've had enough."

"Another one!" you hissed, "Please?"

Husk shook his head, "You're drunk."

"I'm fiiiine..."

"Alastor, please tell her she doesn't need another drink," Husk called to Alastor who started to walk past.

"Dear you don't need another drink," he stated walking over to you.

"I'm gine- gimme another one please."

Alastor sat on a stool next to you. "Honey, I'm telling you, that's plenty. What's the fascination with hitting the bottle so hard?"

"I hadda nightmare..." you muttered.

"Ah, a bad nightmare?"

"Horrid one..."

"What was it about?" Alastor reached out to gently cup your face, but stopped, he then placed his hand on top his other one.

"I was- Introduction of you- Mom dad- Marble hissed, then torn bad..."

He tilted his head trying to decipher what you were saying. "Introduction of me?"

You groaned, "No... I don't need you to worry-" you placed your head on your hands.

"Dear, it's alright. Did you have a nightmare about me?"

"It- not you... fault..."

"I get it, but if I'm haunting your dreams, we should chat to figure out why. I like you, dear; you're a good friend."

You looked up to him. Staying silent. Looking into his gorgeous red eyes.

You decided to break the silence, "You know- Ally- You- eyes are like- the pretty stars of ruby."

He tilted his head slightly, "Thank you dear, but I think you just need some water now."

"You get me, thank you Ally... I need to throw up-" you gagged slightly; Alastor quickly grabbed a trash bin to help you.

"I'm going to give your back a little rub to help you unwind, alright?" Alastor said.

You nodded, holding the bin close to your face. He gently rubbed your back in a circle motion.

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