Chapter four: Deer Season

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You've gotten a good reputation for always successfully killing your targets and delivering promises.

Of course, with good reputation comes people jealous or simply hating you. People sometimes attack you on the streets, however you're always way too fast for them.

The extermination had just happened once more, new deaths, new weapons. It was your first extermination, thankfully not your last.

You entered the bar and greeted past clients, and other demons, sitting down at your table. Sometimes one would come and ask you to kill someone. Sometimes no one would and you'd just grab a drink.

Today was one of the days you get a job. A demon who looked like a bug sat down with you.

"Good evening," you greeted.

"Hi, Silent Strike, I have a job for you," his words were drawn out like it was painful to talk. He slid you a stack of cash.

"Sure, picture of the person?"

"A drawing, unable to take a picture of this one." He handed you a drawing of what looked like a man in a suit with antlers. "A deer, named Alastor."

Name sounded familiar... A deer couldn't be too strong. Should be a simple stealth kill.

"Sure, where does he resign?"

"He is often near the Cannibal city."

He had a staff, and he was wearing a monocle like an old guy. The drawing was pretty good, though you wondered why they couldn't get a picture of him.

"Cannibal city aye?"

You were on the hunt for a deer, this one might take a tad longer. The cannibals liked old timey themes, so you made sure to stay hidden since you didn't want any of them to try and harm you.

It was rather nice there, surprisingly. Other than the fact it smelled like rotting flesh in some areas. Most of these demons dressed really fancy, fancier then the supposed deer you were hunting.

There he was, that deer. Wow he did look just like that drawing! He was humming softly; it sounded a little staticky. You followed behind him, still invisible, careful not to touch any other demon.

You waited until there wasn't another demon around, but before you could wait, he turned into an alleyway.

Why is it always an alleyway down here?

You followed in, stalking up behind the deer. What was he even doing?

You were about to lunge at him, but he started talking.

"Why are you tailing behind me?" his voice was smooth despite the fact it sounded like an old radio broadcast.

You looked behind you ready to move in case someone had also been following, no one.

"I can hear your heartbeat." His head turned around fully, like an owl. 

You stiffened a tad, before lunging at him for a quick kill- black tentacles pushed you up, making you give a surprised yelp.

Your scales had turned visible, they were white and blue. You struggled against the tentacles; how could a deer do this?! You were still learning how this all worked despite being here for a year.

"Answer me little lizard, why are you following me?" His horns grew larger as markings appeared on his face. His eyes turned weird- like radio dials.

Oh no-

Alastor, the Radio Demon.

Of course, not a radio headed demon! He was a deer. Or an elk? Or probably a wendigo due to the fact he was in Cannibal city.

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