Chapter two: Welcome to Hell

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Hi! Quick announcement, from now own there will be cursing. It's a Hazbin Hotel fanfic, what you expect? But anyways, if you are uncomfortable with it, or many other mature topics tied into the Hazbin Hotel universe, please leave. Otherwise, enjoy the story! ^^

Y/n woke up, what a bad dream... Or maybe you were still dreaming- It was a surprise to see the sky was a pure red. Not like a sunset, or sunrise, oh no no. Pure red. And a large star shape was above it- Oh it's a pentagram. You felt grass under yourself, and realized you were surrounded by trees.

Weren't you just on the roof top? Oh right- you must have died. 

"OH SHIT?!" You stood up faster than you should have, feeling a tad dizzy. You steadied yourself and noticed, your skin was white- like a pure white. Also, a tad blue. Also- not skin those were scales.

You also noticed you had steadied yourself with your tail, placing it to the ground to avoid falling backwards. Ah- You have a tail. A really long lizard-like tail. And scales. And you felt like you could control something around your neck.

"I need a mirror."

You walked a bit, but the weight of your newfound tail was setting you off balance.  You ended up curling it behind you, soon you got used to it.

When you excited the forest- now realizing it was a small park, you were in a large city. 

Someone almost ran into you, "Aye watch it!" a large monstrous figure growled at you, holding a phone in front of his face.

You backed away a tad startled, "Sorry-" they were gone, however. Why'd you apologize to that jerk? He wasn't watching where he was going.

You figured this was some weird fever dream. Everyone was just weird looking because you were going crazy!

You found a small store and looked at the glass, your reflection was of a lizard looking monster with S/C scales- your neck frilled out in surprise it was a C/C. Then your scales turned white again, your neck had just- was that like a crest? Your crest ran down your head and curled over your shoulders. It relaxed and seemed to act like a cowl. 

"Wow-" you were rather calm now; your scales went from white to a S/C once more. You looked really nice, despite looking a bit like a lizard.

You noticed a demon looking at you behind the glass, with a confused expression. Your scales went to a pinkish purple mix as you waved then walked away. 

You were exploring your new surroundings, still half-set on it being a dream.

You found some large tv's like you'd see in a movie. They were facing outside and showed the news on them. 

"Good evening, I am Katie Killjoy, on the previous note of what happened yesterday with the princess, who gives a fuck?"

And you were out- this news channel sucked- Wait princess?

"Charlie Morningstar wants to make a hotel to have a sinner redemption! How joyful."

"Redemption?" you murmured.

"It's never going to work," Katie spoke, demons around you laughed. The tv's showed the hotel, "This place is a failure!"

You looked at the hotel on the screen, redemption... What a stupid idea.

You walked away to do some more surroundings surveys. You passed an alleyway, almost- but then you got shoved into it.

"Ah- crap-" you muttered as you hit the floor.

"Hey pretty lady~ You've got any money?"

You looked at the demon, a shark demon. He was holding a knife.

"I'm not dealing with this right now," you reached into your pocket to find your pocketknife- It's not there- You don't have pockets- Your clothes were completely different.

"Oh no-" you muttered.

"Now hand me over any money you've got, else I stab you with this Camellia Carmine knife," he said it like it was so special.

"Who names a knife Camellia Carmine?" you asked.

"Wh- Oh great you're freshly dead, aren't you?!"

Oh yeah- Maybe you are in hell. You had a sneaking suspicion, clearly this isn't heaven considering how many you've killed. You hoped it was just a dream, but this felt too real.

"I suppose so. So, I've got no money."

The shark sighed, "Darn it, guess I'll just kill you."

"Isn't hell internal suffering?" you asked with a snarky tone.

"Ah- Sinners who die down here come back yes, but not those killed by an angelic weapon."

Oh- You're in danger. Camellia Carmine must be a brand that sells weapons that are angelic, whatever that means. That knife was rather shiny with white lines laced through its blade.

The shark jumped at you, and you dashed to the side, he was rather clunky with movements.

"You little- Woah- He- Heaha!" he started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"You went invisible, but I can still see your clothing, dumbass!"

You looked down at your hand, sure enough it was missing. You could feel it there though, your entire body was gone except your clothes. Well, you have a tail. And an idea.

You quickly turned around and grabbed his hand with your tail, he let out a squeak of surprise.

And soon, you had that knife in your grasps. You stabbed him in the face, "Sayanora sharky!"

You looked at your hand, back to being visible. Maybe this could be useful. But these clothes are going to need to be fixed up. Maybe you could shed scales? If so, you could try putting the scales on your clothing.

That may take a while, you looked around and noticed you did lose a few scales. Surely, they would grow back, you could remove a few at a time until you have enough. You looted his body, a knife holder, a small bag, some cash.

You gathered your scales, kept that knife, and headed out to find a place to stay.

What an interesting first day.

It had been two weeks. Yeah- you did shed your scales. It was very weird, but you did have fresh scales to use for clothing. Well, you had sewn your dead scales into your clothes you had just bought. These ones had pockets! 

Thankfully, and to your surprise, the scales changed color and would disappear fully. However, they were more muted on the clothing. But that didn't really matter to you, since you did vanish into thin air. You also covered the knife holder and the knife with scales so that they could vanish as well.

This should be fun. Assassin again? Sure, must be some people who want others to die for a price.

Welcome To Hell (Alastor x reader) (Canceled)Where stories live. Discover now