Chapter five: A new friend

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You found out how to obtain a pet, turns out there is a pet shop. You've also rented a town house that allowed for pets. Hopefully you could buy a place soon.

Last year was frightening, you had a run in with the Radio demon and for some reason he let you live. But you have many loyal people who would do a lot for you, how nice.

One of them told you about this place, Lilly's Critters. Seemed nice enough.

You entered the shop and- Wow, it was amazing in here. A large glass room that had many cats in it playing and having fun. Another room had dogs playing with toys and chasing each other. You noticed that they weren't like an average animal, makes sense this is hell.

"Hello! Are you looking for a furry or feathery friend? Or maybe a scaley one to match your mojo?"

You've always wanted a cat. They were so cute, even though people said they were demons. One time as a kid you went to a friend's house, they had a cat. The sweetest cat you'd have ever met. Before then, you believed they were hell spawn.

"Good evening, Lilly I presume?"

"You'd be correct, might I ask- Are you the Silent Striker?"

"Oh, yes I am, no fret I'm here off mission. My name is simply Y/n."

"Ah how nice, your name I mean."

"Right, I would like a pet. A cat purrhaps?" You laughed at that terrible pun.

To your surprise she also laughed, "Oh of course, those are all our cats. Really friendly ones."

She led you into the room filled with cats, oh this was a dream come true. They were all so cute.

They seemed too busy playing to notice you, you noticed one playing alone.

"We have Christmas over there, the white one. That one there is Mole, or it's their twin Pyn I can't tell. There is-"

"Who's the lonely one?"

"Oh, his name is Marble. He is pretty shy, a big sweetheart however."

You carefully walked over to Marble, he seemed to back away. You lifted your hand out to him; he sniffed it gently. Then he nuzzled up to you.

"Wow, you've got a way with animals. You know, they say an animal can really tell when a person is good. But you're a sinner, aren't you?"

"Yeah, isn't everyone?"

"Oh- Ms. Y/n, you've been here for two years. There are people who are hell born."

"Oh interesting..."

"I'm hell born."

"Really, do you die and come back too?"

"Nope, once a person like me dies we're dead forever. I'm an imp, low class. But some people are high class demons who can't die... Well unless they have been killed by an angelic weapon."

You nodded, softly picking up Marble who snuggled into your arms.

"I guess you'll take him?"

"Yeah. He's perfect."


You laughed slightly, going to pay Lilly for some food for your new best friend.

"Here we are Marble, my home." You let him down to explore the place, setting up a food and water bowl for him.

Marble was a brown and white tabby cat, with spikes down his back which were F/c. He was practically made for you.

He adjusted fast, you honestly thought it would take him a bit of time. 

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